
There are 8 repositories under relivator topic.

  • blefnk/awesome

    ⭐ A large number of GitHub repositories about all kinds of interesting topics that @blefnk considers awesome have been starred and recommended to everyone, especially the @reliverse community. The current collection already contains about 1.4k repositories.

  • blefnk/all-in-one-nextjs-template

    Previously, Relivator Next.js template tried to include everything all at once. Now, this repository fulfills that mission. It’s a great place for learning. Any pull requests are open for anyone interested in contributing. Reliverse CLI uses this repo when creating a custom Relivator v1.3.0. So this repo still has some value.

  • blefnk/blevours-old

    Bleverse Docs x Relivator Docs / Astro Starlight Starter / Docs, Blog, and More

  • blefnk/blefnk

    🧑 This is the repository for my personal website, where, over time, I will share stories about my life, especially in the field of web development. This site will also serve as a repository for some of my knowledge. It will include a blog, portfolio, tutorials, and more. Stay tuned for updates! This site is... a documentation of myself! ;)

  • blefnk/astro-starlight-template

    ✨ Make your docs shine with Astro, Starlight, and everything configured for you by the Reliverse Templates team.

  • reliverse/acme

    📄 @reliverse/acme is a @reliverse/addons template that provides a starting point for developing new packages within the Reliverse ecosystem, offering pre-configured setup and guidelines to streamline the creation of consistent, high-quality packages.

  • reliverse/astro-docs-json-to-mdx

    The project demonstrates an example of a json to mdx generator to simplify the work with i18n in Astro Starlight.

  • reliverse/fs

    📂 @reliverse/fs is a utility library that wraps the Node.js native fs module and fs-extra package, providing enhanced file system functionalities. This package is part of the @reliverse/addons ecosystem.
