
There are 16 repositories under renforcement-learning topic.

  • gzbin365/map

    算法 数学 科学。这是一个全网收藏夹; 一个备忘录; 一个To-Do List; 未来的技能点; 个人知识库; 也是一个算法工程师的网址导航.热爱生活, 不断探索.Have fun : )

  • idthanm/mpg

    MPG is originated from the paper "Mixed policy gradient", which also contains a cluster of high-quality implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

  • Aisuko/notebooks

    Implementation for the different ML tasks on Kaggle platform with GPUs.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15123
  • Ruben-2828/RL-Traffic-Control

    Application of reinforcement learning to the management of traffic light intersection

  • Drackass/ChatPY

    💬 This repository is made to contain ChatPY an AI Chatbot

  • ludel/AutoTrading

    Algorithmic trading (postgraduate dissertation)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • YarickVodila/TinkoffRobotRL

    Пример работы в рамках соревнования Tinkoff Invest Robot Contest #2 с использованием обучения с подкреплением

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • yashodeepchikte/Machine-Learning

    A collection of templates of various machine learning and deep learning algorithms

  • AnuragSharma5893/DeepRace_Model

    To Train a reinforcement learning (RL) model and simulation of how that a model performs on a task. Using Algorithm PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization).

  • mathias-kinninkpo/morabaraba-game

    Morabaraba implemented in python as part of the MIFY Artificial Intelligence Context (MAIC) competition organized by Machine Intelligence For You (MIFY)

  • Pyrofoux/vivarium

    Environnement de simulation multi-agent avec un paradigme écologoiquement valide. Basé sur SimplePlaygrounds.

  • dimitri009/Deep-Learning-Applications

    This repository contains the code and report for the final evaluation of the Deep Learning Applications module. It includes three exercises on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Reinforcement Learning, and Adversarial Training. Each exercise is designed to showcase different aspects of deep learning techniques and their applications.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Gabeele/Super-Mario-Reinforcement-Learning

    Using Pytorch, OpenAI Gym, and other frameworks; this project used Python in Jupyter Notebooks to build a reinforcement model to pass Super Mario Bros levels.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • omarkhaled00/VirtualVacuumCleanerWithReinforcementLearning

    In this project i created virtual environment of house that have obstacles , wall ,and dirt that the vacuum cleaner have to clean in the most efficient movement with was done with Reinforcement learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Rishik-J/NLP-RLE

    This repository contains a range of Machine Learning projects utilizing Natural Language Processing and reinforcement learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • DREI-8/Snake_PPO

    Implementation of the PPO algorithm to train an agent to play the classic Snake game.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook