
There are 412 repositories under research-tool topic.

  • JabRef/jabref

    Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases

  • bighuang624/AI-research-tools

    :hammer:AI 方向好用的科研工具

  • matterpreter/DefenderCheck

    Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.

  • emptymalei/awesome-research

    :seedling: a curated list of tools to help you with your research/life; I built a front end around this repo, please use the link below [This repo is Not Maintained Anymore]

  • IBM/fhe-toolkit-linux

    IBM Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit For Linux. This toolkit is a Linux based Docker container that demonstrates computing on encrypted data without decrypting it! The toolkit ships with two demos including a fully encrypted Machine Learning inference with a Neural Network and a Privacy-Preserving key-value search.

  • chiphuyen/sotawhat

    Returns latest research results by crawling arxiv papers and summarizing abstracts. Helps you stay afloat with so many new papers everyday.

  • brettkromkamp/contextualise

    Contextualise is an effective tool particularly suited for organising information-heavy projects and activities consisting of unstructured and widely diverse data and information resources

  • opensemanticsearch/open-semantic-search

    Open Source research tool to search, browse, analyze and explore large document collections by Semantic Search Engine and Open Source Text Mining & Text Analytics platform (Integrates ETL for document processing, OCR for images & PDF, named entity recognition for persons, organizations & locations, metadata management by thesaurus & ontologies, search user interface & search apps for fulltext search, faceted search & knowledge graph)

  • benmarwick/rrtools

    rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R

  • cyberark/PipeViewer

    A tool that shows detailed information about named pipes in Windows

  • google/caliban

    Research workflows made easy, locally and in the Cloud.

  • cyberark/RPCMon

    RPC Monitor tool based on Event Tracing for Windows

  • theme-research-group


    👥 轻松创建研究组或组织网站 Easily create a stunning Research Group, Team, or Business Website with no-code

  • libraryofcelsus/Aetherius_AI_Assistant

    A completely private, locally-operated Ai Assistant/Chatbot/Sub-Agent Framework with realistic Long Term Memory and thought formation using Open Source LLMs. Qdrant is used for the Vector DB.

  • summarizepaper/summarizepaper

    An AI-powered arXiv paper summarization website with a virtual assistant for answering questions.

  • NBISweden/MrBayes

    MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. For documentation and downloading the program, please see the home page:

  • cxw42/TabFern

    Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.

  • intrigue


    Organize literature into ideas, fast.

  • Tavely/Popular-AI-tools-list-by-category

    The most popular AI tools list sorted by category 2024;2024年分类排序的最受欢迎人工智能工具列表

  • ReproModel/repromodel

    Boosting the AI research efficiency

  • spacetimeengineer/spacetimeengine

    A Python utility for analyzing a given solution to the Einstein's field equations. Built on Sympy.

  • jasonwinning/hypernomicon

    Hypertext-infused personal research productivity/database software (Mac/Win/Linux)

  • intel/he-toolkit

    The Intel Homomorphic Encryption (HE) toolkit is the primordial vehicle for the continuous distribution of the Intel HE technological innovation to users. The toolkit has been designed with usability in mind and to make it easier for users to evaluate and deploy homomorphic encryption technology on the Intel platforms.

  • Dannyzen/openresearch

    Open Research is a framework that contains documents that aid in the practice of product and customer research

  • EvalNE


    Source code for EvalNE, a Python library for evaluating Network Embedding methods.

  • ip-tools/patzilla

    PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.

  • opensemanticsearch/open-semantic-search-apps

    Python/Django based webapps and web user interfaces for search, structure (meta data management like thesaurus, ontologies, annotations and named entities) and data import (ETL like text extraction, OCR and crawling filesystems or websites)

  • openml-labs/gama

    An automated machine learning tool aimed to facilitate AutoML research.

  • Beomi/

    🔍 우리가 읽을 논문을 찾아서, Cite.GG

  • kyle-fox/ios-eye-tracking

    EyeTracking is a Swift Package that makes it easy to use ARKit's eye and facial tracking data, designed for use in Educational Technology research.

  • nhaouari/papersnap

    Extracting Key Information from Research Papers using PAPERSNAP prompt and Claude

  • smarr/ReBench

    Execute and document benchmarks reproducibly.

  • PovertyAction/high-frequency-checks

    A Stata template for running high frequency checks of incoming research data at Innovations for Poverty Action

  • SMAPPNYU/youtube-data-api

    A Python Client for collect and parse public data from the Youtube Data API

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7952931
  • echohive42/GPT-4-Research-assistant

    The GPT-4 Research Assistant is a tool designed to leverage the power of GPT-4 in assisting with academic research. It searches for academic papers on ArXiv, identifies the most promising paper based on a given search term, downloads the paper, extracts its contents, and then summarizes it. The tool also suggests new search terms

  • fa


    Automation tool for locating symbols & structs in binary (primary IDA focused)
