
There are 116 repositories under resposive-design topic.

  • taiga-ui


    Angular UI Kit and components library for awesome people

  • Coding-UI


    Coding UI has an elegant and clean design, it is a fully responsive and highly optimized theme with excellent SEO features

  • adeshdatir99ad/foodorder

    Effortless food ordering! This React app (Vite) lets you browse menus, search items, manage a cart, and checkout. Responsive design ensures a seamless experience on any device.

  • AmulyaMachhan/phone-case-cover-site

    Welcome to CASED, your one-stop destination for stylish phone case covers! CASED offers a wide range of phone case designs to suit every style and preference. Whether you're looking for protection, aesthetics, or both, we've got you covered.

  • babanigit/Third-Year-MERN-Project

    This project is a comprehensive solution for managing a final year collage project using modern web technologies. It utilizes the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) for backend and frontend development, Redux for state management, Firebase for google authentication and real-time database features, and Tailwind CSS for styling. :)

  • AmulyaMachhan/instagram-clone

    This project is a simplified version of Instagram, featuring dynamic post and story addition using JavaScript, as well as supporting both dark and light themes. The design is responsive to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices.

  • fasih-nasir/loan-Calculator

    Loan-Calculator 📱

  • MafteiMugurel/

    Personal portfolio website made using React.js.

  • mdbootstrap/bootstrap-square-buttons

    Responsive Square Buttons built with Bootstrap 5. Black, disabled, full-width outline, social, block square buttons examples.

  • armandrik/maxxCoffee

    Coffee web store implemented by react - typescript - tailwind and firebase for authentication

  • Bumboobee/full-spider-verse

    The multiverse is between us! and the opening scene was the Spider-verse

  • Dhanush-Javali/SurveyForm

    Sample survey form web based application created by using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

  • erickdc7/construction-website-design

    Construction Website

  • Jasvanth-Hub/Study_Sync

    This innovative platform offers an effortless and seamless approach to learning, empowering students of all ages to achieve brighter futures. Join us on a transformation journey to simplify education and unlock your full potential.

  • madiha-waqar/tweeter

    Tweeter is a 'Twitter' clone built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX for the front-end, and Node.js and Express.js for the back-end. This project was developed as part of the Lighthouse Labs Web Development Flex Program curriculum

  • mahi1212/play-tube-app

    This is a youtube clone web-app using RAPID API

  • Mshandev/Doctor-Clinic-Landing-Page

    A beautifully designed and attractive landing page for a doctor clinic, built with Bootstrap. This project features a responsive layout, ensuring a seamless experience on any device. The UI is crafted to provide an engaging and user-friendly interface, perfect for showcasing a clinic's services and information.

  • Ali-Tadayoni/Camping-Web

    A simple static responsive website, Shows my HTML & Css Skill

  • AlineGuiseline/social-network-anime

    Terceiro projeto do bootcamp da Laboratória; desenvolvimento de uma rede social direcionada aos fãs de animes, que permite se registrar, logar com e-mail e senha ou com a conta do Google, criar, editar, excluir, curtir e descurtir posts. Aplicação responsiva, desenvolvida com SPA e mobile first. Desenvolvido em collab com @bruna-abreu

  • cml-mrdv/responsive-website-yt

    Responsive website for youtube video

  • codx-ak/Travel-Partner

    Travel Partner is an innovative online platform designed to provide customers with a seamless travel booking experience.

  • conradojuliosisnero/encriptador

    aqui encontraras un proyectos en html css y js de un encriptador y desencriptador de textos

  • conradojuliosisnero/Spotify-Clone

    Este proyecto es un clon de Spotify que estoy desarrollando para poner en práctica mis habilidades de frontend y también para disfrutar de la música mientras lo hago. 🎵

  • EmirAkyoll/Article-Universe

    A website that allows you to read articles from various categories. TECHS: Vue JS (Vite, Composition API, v3) | Vuex v4 | Vue Router v4 | Tailwind CSS v3 | Axios | i18n | Responsive

  • Hashuudev/Guess-my-number

    Number guessing game: A fun and interactive JavaScript game where players must guess a randomly generated number. With different messages depending on the user's input, this project showcases my ability to create engaging and dynamic user experiences.

  • Hichahy/Contractor-Form

    Form with profile image

  • jayk-gupta/Omnifood

    My first responsive website

  • k1au3/Sunkraft

    An Online Ecommerce Store for Sunkraft Furnitures

  • Lrpoblet/adatravellers

    Team presentation website by Alicia, Ana, Lara, Nina and Tatiana

  • marcanog/masterCSS

    master CSS3, Maquetación web, Responsive Web Design, SASS, LESS, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Bootstrap 4 & 5

  • MauricioLaratro/cardealership

    Car dealership (vanilla js)

  • prathamk1483/CodeWall

    Welcome to CodeWall, a modern blogging platform built with Django and Bootstrap. CodeWall offers a clean, responsive interface for bloggers to share their thoughts and ideas. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and scalable, making it a perfect choice for both individual bloggers and larger publications.

  • rehmangour04/Portfolio

  • tessaai/HTML1

    complete responsive online web service website design using html, css, javascript and jquery.

  • vaghmarelazy/APOD-NASA

    React app fetching data from the nasa's APOD Api, which showing Astronomy Picture Of the Day
