There are 4 repositories under return-period topic.
heavy rain as a function of the duration and the return period acc. to DWA-A 531 (2012) This program reads the measurement data of the rainfall and calculates the distribution of the rainfall as a function of the return period and the duration for duration steps up to 12 hours (and more) and return period in a range of '0.5a <= T_n <= 100a'
This is the statistical approach to estimate the design discharge (50 year return period flood) at a given site.
Plotted the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves by first estimating annual maximum intensity for certain time periods.
A data visualizer tool produces the return period-loss graph of low-impact hazardous events for 91 countries. This tool use publicly available data from national disaster loss databases (DesInventar) and EM-DAT, but also available for other resources.