There are 5 repositories under revenuemanagement topic.
Flutter app that helps hourly workers keep tabs on their earnings effortlessly. Whether you're calculating your income per second or setting financial goals, this app has you covered. You can tweak your hourly pay rate whenever needed and get real-time updates on your progress.
In this project , we aim to perform the data analysis on AtliQ Grands hospitality company data . Tool used for the analysis are Power BI.
This dashboard provides insights into various aspects of the company's sales data, including overall sales performance, product performance, customer behavior, regional sales analysis, and helps stakeholders take appropriate actions to increase business revenue and market coverage.
A data analysis project conducted to analyze the revenue performance of AtliQ Grands hotel chain and provide insights and suggestions necessary to improve revenue.
Procesos de transformación de los datos y de vizualización de patrones y dependencias.