
There are 53 repositories under rfid-tags topic.

  • ikarus23/MifareClassicTool

    An Android NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags.

  • esprfid/esp-rfid

    ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS

  • jlcout/epctagcoder

    Java library for RFID EPC encode / decode

  • ashiqfardus/rfid-data-send-to-web-server

    This is full code to read RFID tag via NODEMCU and MFRC522 and send data to web server.

  • iomz/golemu

    A simple LLRP-based RFID reader emulator in Go

  • joostkamphuisnl/feig-driver

    Javascript driver for Feig Electronic GmbH OBID classic-pro RFID readers.

  • shujaattariq/rfid-reader-serial

    Basic RFID Reader over Serial Port

  • kumar7rk/WatchDog

    A notification system for carers in residential care homes preventing unauthorised patient escapement.

  • maxieds/MifareClassicToolLibrary

    Java and Android library wrapper around the functionality of the Mifare Classic Tool library for Android.

  • Gokhulnath/Automatic-attendance-system-using-Face-Recognition-and-RFID

    Automatic Attendance system using Face Recogniton and RFID

  • mrswapnilsahu/Library-Automation-System

    This project is built to enhance the efficiency of a library in current scenario the library management is automatic but the library staff still has to spend a lot of time in issue and return of the books so this solution is totally different from the current system this project not only provides the facility of computer based issue and return as well as no librarian is needed to issue and return the books for the members. The past works done in this fields are RFID based library system in which each book has a RFID tag so that staff don’t have to enter Book number they only scan the RFID no and do entries we had extends this solution and built the self-issue and return service.The objective of this project is to increase the efficiency of a library staff by providing self-issue and self-return service the library staff can do other productive works in that time as well as less resources are needed for that purpose and the project is built on the idea of Distributed system so there is not so much traffic on server. This project is built to enhance the efficiency of a library in current scenario the library management is automatic but the library staff still has to spend a lot of time in issue and return of the books so this solution is totally different from the current system this project not only provides the facility of computer based issue and return as well as no librarian is needed to issue and return the books for the members.

  • RalphTro/getGCPLengthDemo

    Demo software to illustrate how to apply GS1's GCP (GS1 Company Prefix) Length Table for EPC binary encoding/generating EPC URIs

  • aeracoop/RFID-Detector

    A wireless RFID multiple tag reader based in M6E-nano and Arduino Uno Wifi.

  • parzibyte/asistencia-php-rfid

    Sistema de asistencia de empleados con PHP usando tarjetas RFID. Basado en https://parzibyte.me/blog/2020/11/28/sistema-registro-asistencia-tarjetas-rfid/

  • sanketsanap5/Smart-Parking-Management-System

    An IoT-based web application to book a parking spot in smart parking stations with the help of RFID tags and Raspberry Pi clusters and perform predictive analysis for car traffic using a time series algorithm

  • ali-raheem/jukebox-rust

    🎹 Implementation of my jukebox application in rust.

  • bstojanovski/RC522-auth

    RFID-RC522 authentication

  • kishorerabha/RFID-Card-Hostel-Entry

    RFID Based Card Entry System designed to log student entry data and track down students who haven't closed their entry.

  • rexxyz/RFID-absensi

    pengembangan rfid untuk kebutuhan absens

  • Ashish93-mrx/Anti-Theft-Vehicle-Arduino-Code

    Arduino code to read real-time data from Node MCU Wi-Fi module and send to firebase real-time database.

  • beyondszine/AccessControlSystem

    Working Access Control system based on ESP8266 with MFRC522 rfid reader. Complete set of Kicad based source files and Gerber files are in the pcb folder. Code and Use case is explained in README

  • dtcMLOps/RFID-library-nrf52832

    This is a C library for the RFIDRW-E-TTL Animal tag and RFID reader writer with external antenna, and TTL output using the nRF52832 from nordic

  • hebestreit/MMM-RFID

  • iternull/tag-emulator

    Android RFID Tags Emulator app

  • prasad9921/LocoTrackinator

    A Location Tracking system using RFID and Computer Vision

  • radroof22/blockchain-drug-supply-chain

    Supply chain management solution for CAR-T drugs designed for Ethereum network

  • ytisf/EMCatcher

    EMCatcher is a headless assistant tool for the Proxrmark3 & RaspberryPi

  • ala-obeidat/StarTrack

    IoT Application (Tag & Track Solution with RFID)

  • ashutosh7i/RFID-Based-Vehicle-Tracking-System

    A comprehensive RFID-Based Vehicle Tracking System that employs ESP32, RC522 RFID card reader, and PostgreSQL backend to monitor and display real-time vehicle data on a web interface.

  • f05fk/sepPI

    Simple audio player for kids based on RaspberryPI

  • Turnier


    Turnier is a web application to manage player pairings in a (Badminton) tournament.


    Foods Box Store POS System integrated with RFID Reader/RFID Tags and Dymo Label Printer

  • Mahdi-Hazrati/RFID-BluGun

    a android app connect to Bluetooth RFID Gun (Reader) and get data then save into database - Developed with C# and MAUI Framework

  • tachoknight/wiegand-calculator

    An encode/decode calculator for Wiegand-based RFID tags and cards, written in Go and plpgsql

  • Tanmay-901/Traffic-Handy-Device

    A handy device prototype for traffic police to impose fines and penalties to defaulters within a few seconds.
