
There are 7 repositories under rgb-thermal topic.

  • VisionVerse/Awesome-RGBT

    RGB-T Fusion, RGB-T SOD, RGB-T Vehicle Detection, RGB-T Crowd Counting, RGB-T Pedestrian Detection, RGB-T Semantic Segmeantaion, RGB-T Tracking

  • jiwei0921/MVSS-Baseline

    Baseline Code for CVPR 2023 paper. "Multispectral Video Semantic Segmentation: A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline".

  • jiwei0921/SemanticRT

    Dataset & Code for ACM Multimedia 2023 paper. "SemanticRT: A Large-Scale Dataset and Method for Robust Semantic Segmentation in Multispectral Images".

  • abbasturkoglu/RGB-T-Tracking-Papers-and-Results

    A selection of RGB-T object tracking papers and their performance on various benchmarks.

  • yuwenmichael/DCFNet

    DCFNet: Dense Complementary Fusion for RGB-Thermal Urban Scene Perception published in the 18th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2024)

  • g0kul/Pixelx4

    Pixel x4 is a image super-resolution deep learning algorithm. It uses both the deep convolutional GANs for generating realistic images and the distance based loss function for creating visually similar images.

  • ntkhoa95/RTNet_PyTorch

    Implementation of RTFNet: RGB-Thermal Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes (IEEE RAL) for RGB-D dataset using PyTorch
