
There are 9 repositories under rhf topic.

  • greengem/nextjs-kanban

    Full stack Trello clone in Next.js. Unlimited boards/columns/tasks, share boards with other users, loads of add-ons, 17 colour themes, custom backgrounds from unsplash and so much more!

  • AlexB67/hfscf

    A small ab initio package for electronic structure calculations.

  • lukaswittmann/hartree-fock

    The Hartree-Fock algorithm, a method for approximating the wave function and energy of a quantum many-body system by assuming that the exact N-body wave function of the system can be adequately described by a single Slater determinant. The goal of this project is to implement the HF algorithm for the H2 molecule.

  • leuzindev/pizza-shop

    Um sistema para controle de pedidos de uma pizzaria, feita em React e ShadcnUI com o login via magic link

  • leuzindev/dtmoney

    O DT Money é uma ferramenta de controle financeiro para o usuário

  • leuzindev/todolist-challenge

    Desafio do curso ignite da Rocketseat. Trata-se de um to to list, onde pode criar tarefas, marcar como concluídas e deletar.

  • Nima-Moradi1/NewGram

    NewGram is a social media app which you can post your favorites, like , dislike , bookmark and even explore and follow others !
