
There are 9 repositories under root-mean-squared-error-metric topic.

  • NikhilaThota/CapstoneProject_House_Prices_Prediction

    Understand the relationships between various features in relation with the sale price of a house using exploratory data analysis and statistical analysis. Applied ML algorithms such as Multiple Linear Regression, Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression in combination with cross validation. Performed parameter tuning, compared the test scores and suggested a best model to predict the final sale price of a house. Seaborn is used to plot graphs and scikit learn package is used for statistical analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook240013
  • ltfschoen/ML-Predictions

    Machine Learning engine generates predictions given any dataset using regression

  • gurol/BenchMetricsProb

    BenchMetrics Prob: Benchmarking of probabilistic error performance evaluation instruments for binary-classification problems

  • nagasaimanoj/Gradient-Descent-for-Linear-Regression

    Linear Regression using Gradient Descent

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • AmishaMurarka/Facebook-Comment-Volume-Prediction

    Data in the social networking services is increasing day by day. So, there is heavy requirement to study the highly dynamic behavior of the users towards these services. The task here is to estimate the comment count that a post is expected to receive in next few(H) hours. Data has been scraped from one of the most popular social networking sites - Facebook.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Lalasa1234/FluxPrediction

    Predicts the critical heat flux by leveraging Pytorch's custom Datasets and DataLoaders and building curated models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • iamkirankumaryadav/Regression

    Regression - Bulldozer Sales Price - Kaggle Competition

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • nishanthbhat07/LINEAR-REGRESSION

    Linear Regression is the basic algorithm to get started with machine learning/ deep learning. I had made this for my C mini-project.