
There are 8 repositories under rosplan topic.

  • dgerod/task-planning

    Some AI planners that work with PDDL, file examples and integration in ROSPlan.

  • dgerod/rosplan_pytools

    Tools to use ROSPlan in Python

  • rezan21/AI-Planning-Supermarket

    Autonomous supermarket planned with AI. Planner POPF/XAIP/ROSplan | Automated Planning and Scheduling

  • programmatoroSeduto/ExperimentalRoboticsLab-Assignment-3

    RoboCLuedo (four-wheeled mobile robot with a manipulator, a LIDAR laser sensor, and four cameras) tries to solve a CLuedo-style mystery. Who killed Dr.Brown?

  • timn/rosplan_interface_rcllrefbox

    ROSPlan action dispatching for the RCLL Referee Box

  • manudelu/ExpRob_Assignment2

    Second Assignment of Experimental Robotics Laboratory regarding the usage of ROSplan Framework, Autonomous Navigation and SLAM-algorithms to control of the ROSbot movement based on the detection of Aruco markers in the environment.

  • Omotoye/Experimental-Robotics-Project

    Experimental Robotics Lab Projects: This repository contains all the developed packages for the proposed project for the Experimental Robotics Labs course. It includes the diagrams for the Software architecture and the solutions developed to solve the proposed tasks. There are three versions of the project, all of which can be assessed through the corresponding branches of the repository.

  • programmatoroSeduto/ros-plan

    some remark about ROS plan and the PDDL planning in general