There are 2 repositories under rxd topic.
A simple flutter counter boilerplate that implemented Stream instead of setState for one of my article https://blog.dammak.dev/widget-of-the-week-streambuilder-ck3oc7l6h000k0us1g6wbbgcj
MyDiabetes is a medical care mobile application it is developed for Android OS using Flutter framework. The primary objective of MyDiabeties is to spread awareness of diabetes and consult with specialists when patient needs any consultation. In addition, MyDiabetes emphasize ways and methods to control the sugar level in blood, such as providing information of foods should take and foods should avoid in the diet plan, along with sugar level calculator. Used Flutter-block Patten, SQLite, REST API, WebView, toast message, bottom navigation bar, tab views, component widgets and third-part libraries.