
There are 7 repositories under rxtxcomm topic.

  • han1396735592/spring-boot-starter-rxtx


  • han1396735592/common-rxtx

    简单 串口操作、串口通信

  • han1396735592/javaFx-serialPort-web-demo

    一个使用 javafx 技术编写的本地串口通信、内嵌web的例子。

  • AdrianoGarafulic/Parameters-in-the-greenhouse-automatic-opening-and-closing-of-the-greenhouse-user-notification

    he system measures soil moisture at two positions in the greenhouse, measures the amount of light and temperature in the greenhouse. User has an insight into current and historical measurements of parameters in the form of a time diagram via the application interface on the mobile device. In relation to the temperature in the greenhouse, the relay controls the moving part of the greenhouse, ie the greenhouse is opened in case of too high a temperature to avoid possible harmful consequences. The user can control the temperature level at which the greenhouse will be opened via the application interface, and a notification will be sent to the mobile device each time the greenhouse is opened. It can also manage notifications related to soil moisture sensors, ie it can set which humidity value will receive event notifications (humidity high, humidity too high, humidity low, humidity too low), as well as temperatures (temperature high, temperature too high, temperature low, temperature too low).

  • whitedodo/serialRXTX-java

    Modules that control serial communication in Java programming

  • qq641901550/electric-managemen


  • lucas26xd/UrnaGremio

    Momento nostálgico, um dos primeiros projetos completos que fiz com um amigo no início do ano de 2014. Trata-se de uma urna para votação de um grêmio estudantil na escola em que estudávamos
