
There are 8 repositories under scanning-tunnelling-microscopy topic.

  • pycroscopy/pycroscopy

    Scientific analysis of nanoscale materials imaging data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2533210871
  • Hexanders/stm-cluster-heightzer

    Stm cluster heights resizer (stm-cluster-heightzer) is a class that finds peaks of clusters (high bumps) in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) image(data) and if necessary corrects the heights of the individual clusters to the surrounding surface.

  • New-Horizons-SPM/G80SXM

    SXM Processing Tool

  • t0m-R/STM_images

    Master Thesis - Data services and analysis of more than 100.000 STM images of CNR-IOM to make them FAIR

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • HollenLab/pyxm

    A simple data acquisition manager for microscopists, enabling users to perform multiple imaging and spectroscopy tasks with ease and precision. Imaging or spectroscopy sets (task sets) can be queued up in a task set list and sequentially preformed. Provides an intuitive graphical user interface to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.

  • MDachniewicz/stmpro

    Data processing software for scanning tunneling microscopy

  • bhc1010/pyxm

    A simple data acquisition manager for microscopists, enabling users to perform multiple imaging and spectroscopy tasks with ease and precision. Imaging or spectroscopy sets (task sets) can be queued up in a task set list and sequentially preformed. Provides an intuitive graphical user interface to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.

  • ltalirz/util-programs

    Utilities for manipulating Gaussian cube files for scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy
