
There are 219 repositories under scratch-implementation topic.

  • ubugeeei/chibivue

    chibivue is minimal Vue.js v3 core implementations (Reactivity System, Virtual DOM, Component, Compiler (Template, SFC)). An online book for building your own Vue.js.

  • neograd


    A deep learning framework created from scratch with Python and NumPy

  • Pixel-Processing


    📷 This repository is focused on having various feature implementation of OpenCV in Python. The aim is to have a minimal implementation of all OpenCV features together, under one roof.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook127122295
  • Algo-ScriptML


    Scripts of Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch. Implementations of machine learning models and algorithms using nothing but NumPy with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from basic to advance.

  • drumichiro/nmf-and-ntf

    The sample code to study non-negative matrix and tensor factorization.

  • deshwalmahesh/ML-Models-from-Scratch

    Repo for ML Models built from scratch such as Self-Attention, Linear +Logistic Regression, PCA, LDA. CNN, LSTM, Neural Networks using Numpy only

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27204
  • ReactPy


    React implementation in Python 3, which runs on the client-side.

  • scratchcpp/libscratchcpp

    C++ library for building Scratch project players

  • hjian42/Natural-Language-Processing-Nanodegree

    Natural Language Processing Nanodegree from Udacity Platform, in which I implement Hidden Markov Model for POS Tagger, Bidirectional LSTM for English-French Machine Translation, and End-to-End LSTM-based Speech Recognition

    Language:Jupyter Notebook203016
  • innovatorved/node-sockets

    A custom implementation of web sockets using Node.js, a runtime environment for JavaScript. Web sockets enable real-time communication between a client (e.g. web browser) and server, often used for applications needing real-time updates like chat rooms or collaborative platforms

  • davidcamilo0710/Routing_Reinforcement_Learning

    Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based routing algorithm for SDN networks created from scratch using Python.

  • braindotai/Deep-Learning-Scratch-Arena

    Implementing most important basic building blocks of Deep Learning from scratch. My goal is to provide high quality Scratch Implementations of the fundamentals of Deep Learning and its applications, with interactive well documentated jupyter notebooks. All notebooks come along with implementations using Tensorflow, MXNet and Pytorch.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17203
  • scraterpreter/scrape

    Scratch Interpreter for the CLI!

  • mrdcvlsc/ChaCha20-Poly1305

    A C++ implementation of ChaCha20 & Poly1305 stream cipher described in RFC - 8439.

  • SnarpleDev/Snazzle

    A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

  • KhaledAshrafH/B-Tree

    This contains a C++ code that implements a B-Tree data structure. A B-Tree is a self-balancing tree that can store and retrieve data efficiently. It is commonly used in databases and file systems.

  • rishabkr/Attention-Is-All-You-Need-Explained-PyTorch

    A paper implementation and tutorial from scratch combining various great resources for implementing Transformers discussesd in Attention in All You Need Paper for the task of German to English Translation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12205
  • rohan-paul/Deep-Learning-Paper-Implementation

    From Scratch Implementation of some popular Deep Learning Papers with PyTorch and Tensorflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12402
  • vaibhavnaagar/cnn

    Convolutional Neural Network implemenation from scratch in python numpy

  • KhaledAshrafH/AVL-Tree

    This is a C++ implementation of an AVL tree, which is a self-balancing binary search tree. An AVL tree maintains the balance factor of each node, which is the difference between the heights of its left and right subtrees. Whenever a node becomes unbalanced (its balance factor is either -2 or 2), the tree performs a rotation to restore the balance.

  • Adioosin/image-compression-using-k-mean

    This notebook consist of implementation of K-Mean clustering algorithm on an image to compress it from scratch using only numpy

    Language:Jupyter Notebook80013
  • anh-nn01/Neural-Network-from-Scratch--Hand-written-Digits-classifier

    This is my first Deep Learning project, which is a MNIST hand-written digits classifier. The model is implemented completely from scratch WITHOUT using any prebuilt optimization like Tensorflow or Pytorch. Tensorflow is imported only to load the MNIST data set. This model also uses 2 hidden layers with Adaptive Moment Optimization (Adam) and Drop-out regularization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8200
  • sushant097/Deep-Learning-Paper-Scratch-Implementation

    It consists of various deep learning paper implementations from scratch, including GANs, Transformers, and more with PyTorch or TensorFlow. Your feedback is highly appreciated. :)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7310
  • Generative-Adversarial-Network-from-Scratch


    This repository is to demonstrate how we can create new images of a distribution of images with a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6200
  • awsaf49/pii-data-detection

    The Learning Agency Lab - PII Data Detection || Develop automated techniques to detect and remove PII from educational data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • vamc-stash/Decision-Tree

    Implements Decision tree classification and regression algorithm from scratch in Python.

  • appxpy/NNFS

    Neural Network From Scratch in C++

  • avannaldas/ML-from-scratch

    ML Algorithm implementation from scratch for practice

  • neurons


    Modular neural networks from scratch, in Rust.

  • Hasnatrasool163/NeuralNetworkFromScratch


  • pskrunner14/lstm-from-scratch

    LSTM Network from Scratch in C++

  • abhishk12/Implementing-ANN-from-Scratch

    Implementation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) from scratch to classify whether given image is Food/Non-Food.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • ASHOKKUMAR-K/Machine-Learning-Algorithms-From-Scratch

    This Repository consists of popular Machine Learning Algorithms implemented from scratch using python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • haidousm/fine

    an artificial neural network framework built from scratch using just Python and Numpy

  • scraterpreter/scrapec

    Compiler for Scrape

  • TerboucheHacene/StyleGAN-pytorch-lightning

    Pytorch Lightning Implementation of StyleGAN
