
There are 647 repositories under seaborn-plots topic.

  • milaan9/12_Python_Seaborn_Module

    Seaborn is one of the go-to tools for statistical data visualization in python. It has been actively developed since 2012 and in July 2018, the author released version 0.9. This version of Seaborn has several new plotting features, API changes and documentation updates which combine to enhance an already great library. This article will walk through a few of the highlights and show how to use the new scatter and line plot functions for quickly creating very useful visualizations of data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22520198
  • rojaAchary/Data-Visualization-with-Python

    Data visualization is the visual presentation of data or information. The goal of data visualization is to communicate data or information clearly and effectively to readers. Typically, data is visualized in the form of a chart, infographic, diagram or map.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook533032
  • ManuhIsMe/Product_Sales_Analysis_With_Python

    In this project I am Cleaning, Analysing and creating Visualizations to make data easily accessible of ease use.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook461127
  • tanveer-kader/ml-projects-py

    Kickstart AI through Machine Learning and Deep Learning Projects (20+)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook42199
  • Machine_Learning


    A repository of resources for understanding the concepts of machine learning/deep learning. 

    Language:Jupyter Notebook386028
  • MYoussef885/House_Price_Prediction

    The "House Price Prediction" project focuses on predicting housing prices using machine learning techniques. By leveraging popular Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn (sklearn), Matplotlib, Seaborn, and XGBoost, this project provides an end-to-end solution for accurate price estimation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook191111
  • code4kunal/eda-with-python

    Samples of EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis) with python pandas

    Language:Jupyter Notebook153020
  • codeperfectplus/DataAnalysisWithJupyter

    A Perfect Repository For Data Anaysis with Jupyter Notebook.:chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12207
  • rohinegi548/EDA-and-Machine-Learning-Avocado-Prices-Predictions

    Exploratory Data Analysis and Price Predictions for Avocado Dataset based on Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11203
  • shreyas7kha/FootballFbrefPlotting

    Fbref is a popular football stats/metrics site which collections information from Ted Knutson's StatsBomb. You can save this data in a csv or excel format. This is a Python module which collects any raw csv file from Fbref and plot the data based on whichever two axes you want it to. You can also scrape data from whichever Fbref page you wish to.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11102
  • SohelRaja/Customer-Churn-Analysis

    Implementation of Decision Tree Classifier, Esemble Learning, Association Rule Mining and Clustering models(Kmodes & Kprototypes) for Customer attrition analysis of telecommunication company to identify the cause and conditions of the churn.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook114013
  • aagra109/Students-Performance-Analysis

    This project understands how the student's performance (test scores) is affected by other variables such as Gender, Ethnicity, Parental level of education, Lunch and Test preparation course

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10107
  • caesarmario/data-slices

    Welcome to "Data Slices", where imagination and information converge, inviting you to see the world through a new lens of data-driven artistry.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10100
  • DataForScience/Seaborn

    Data Visualization With Seaborn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10407
  • jl33-ai/dotplotlib

    A basic extension library for creating tree dot plots, strip plots or dot charts w/ matplotlib or seaborn in Python

  • seby-sbirna/Social-Data-Analysis-and-Visualizations-Investigating-San-Francisco-Crime-Scene-using-Police-Reports

    This repository contains the collection of Python and Javascript (Observable Notebook) projects made for the DTU Data Science course 02806: Social Data Analysis and Visualizations

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9204
  • raklugrin01/Book-Recommendation-with-EDA

    This Repository contains the data analysis of Book crossing dataset with a machine learning implementation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8103
  • AbhikChakraborti/Airlines_Analysis-India-

    The Detailed Analysis of Indian Airlines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7100
  • AIVenture0/Titanic--Survival-Prediction

    The most famous competition over the kaggle .

    Language:Jupyter Notebook72024
  • akthammomani/MAXELLA-APP-Movies-Tensorflow-Recommenders-TFRS

    Build MAXELLA App to recommend Movies using TensorFlow Recommenders (TFRS)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7104
  • CSI-SFIT/Head-Start-to-Data-Science

    Leave your regressions behind 🙈 and Let's #makeIThappen with Data Science ⚡

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7200
  • kanchanchy/Data-Visualization-in-Python

    Data Visualization in Python using Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly Express

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7106
  • kk289/IBM-Data-Science

    This repo consists of all courses of IBM - Data Science Professional Certificate, providing with techniques covering a wide array of data science topics including open source tools and libraries, methodologies, Python, databases, SQL, data visualization, data analysis, and machine learning. You will practice hands-on in the IBM Cloud using real data science tools and real-world data sets.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook72010
  • muralivnv/cpp-pyplot

    Simple yet powerful header-only c++ library for plotting using Python and ZeroMQ

  • TheoVerhelst/ACO

    Project on Ant Colony Optimization applied to the Flow Shop Problem

  • AI-FREE-Team/Machine-Learning-Basic


    Language:Jupyter Notebook6302
  • Sarah-2510/Vehicle-Insurance-Claim-Prediction

    A model was built to predict the total insurance claim amount payable by the insurance company using machine learning techniques such as regression in python.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • Defcon27/Machine-Learning

    This repository contains machine learning projects and materials for demonstrate various machine learning techniques.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5211
  • gayathri1462/Suven-Consultants-and-Technology

    During this Online Coding Internship, I have worked on projects related to Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook52010
  • ravireddy07/TEKSystems_Hackathon

    Movie Data Analysis-We will get to know complete movie information with a small hint only.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5500
  • JamshedAli18/Analysis-on-Spotify

    Discover Spotify trends with our data analysis project! Using pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn, we delve into the most popular songs, release patterns by month and year, and BPM trends in top tracks. Gain valuable insights into listener preferences and industry strategies. Join us to uncover the hidden rhythms of the music world

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • JamshedAli18/Social-Media-Usage-and-Emotional-Well-Being-Analysis

    The analysis explores various aspects of social media usage and its potential impact on emotional well-being.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • Jen-uis/Customer-Segmentation-Analysis

    This repository contains project materials for the Spring 2024 STAT 208 class, specifically for Team 8. All materials are the property of Team 8, University of California, Riverside, A. Gary Anderson School of Management. Thank you for viewing our repository.

  • Jimmymugendi/Email-sms-Spam_Classifier

    Email SMS Spam Classifier is a cutting-edge machine learning solution designed to combat spam messages in email and SMS communications. Leveraging advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, the system preprocesses text data by tokenizing, removing stopwords, and stemming, ensuring the most accurate classification results.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • sondosaabed/Data-Visualization-with-Matplotlib-and-Seaborn

    Learning to apply sound design and data visualization principles to the data analysis process. Also learning how to use analysis and visualizations to tell a story with data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook410