
There are 4 repositories under secondyear topic.

  • Sandesh02/Second-Year-SPPU-Assignments

    Programming Assignments of Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU) Second Year(SE) Computer Engineering (FE-2019 Pattern)

  • Pranav0718/SPPU-assignments

    i will be adding all the codes of the SPPU assignment in this repo


    Malware detection project by Machine Learning Algorithms. Top class BE second year project of EnTC students . It detects and tells the accuracy through Machine Learning Algorithms.

  • coderx0319/Swarajya-Prathishthan

    Swarajya Pratishthan is a Registered Trust that aims at reuniting every child in need across Thane and Mumbai with proper education. It believes in making them independent and confident with different vocational courses.
