
There are 7 repositories under semantic-table-interpretation topic.

  • mitmedialab/sherlock-project

    This repository provides data and scripts to use Sherlock, a DL-based model for semantic data type detection:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14183668
  • UB-Mannheim/bbw

    Entity linking, entity typing and relation extraction: Matching CSV to a Wikibase instance (e.g., Wikidata) via Meta-lookup

  • ziqizhang/sti

    Implementation of algorithms for semantic table implementation, including the TableMiner+ method

  • STI-Team/RuTaBERT

    RuTaBERT is a model solving the problem of Column Type Annotation with pre-trained large language model (BERT), trained on the Russian corpus.

  • tabbydoc/tabbyld2

    A web-based application for semantic table interpretation (annotation).

  • STI-Team/RuTaBERT-Dataset

    Dataset from the authors of RuTaBERT and is based on the Russian Web Tables. Only relational tables were chosen from Russian Web Tables with headers matching their selected 170 DBpedia semantic types.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • Mayank19j/semantic-tableau

    semantic tableau is method of finding whether the given logic (propositional logic here) is consistent or inconsistent, whether it is valid (tautology) or not.
