
There are 9 repositories under sentiments-analysis topic.

  • sydney-machine-learning/sentimentanalysis-USelections

    We use the BERT language model for Twitter sentiment analysis leading to the US 2020 presidential elections. We investigate if sentiment analysis can provide an indication of the outcome of the results using canonical LSTM and BERT language model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6212
  • sebastienrousseau/audioanalyser

    Audio Analyser, a cutting-edge application designed to transform audio recordings into actionable insights using Microsoft Azure AI. It offers audio recording, speech-to-text conversion, and in-depth text analysis, providing users with comprehensive and insightful reports.

  • niadel91/Amazon-Products-Sentiment-Analysis-and-Fake-Review-Analysis-using-NLP-in-R

    Sentiment Analysis and Fake Review Analysis of Amazon Products using NLP with R

  • ninda-code/ecommerce-review-sentiments

    Conduct sentiment analysis and identify what makes a product so good or bad by identifying its keywords. Analyses involved : sentiments, text cleansing, regex, word count

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • sonu275981/Movie-Recommender-System

    Movie-Recommender-System hosted on also on

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0310
  • thedatanecdotes/2020MarchVDec

    This is comparison between coronavirus cases and twitter sentiments in March 2020 and December 2020.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • SONERIKHI/Sentiments

    Sentiment analysis categorizes the emotional tone of text, using natural language processing and machine learning. It helps businesses gain insights from customer feedback, social media, and more, to understand public opinion, make data-driven decisions, and manage brand reputation.

  • taimoortanweer1/CSharp-Projects

    This Repository contains all the C# .Net Related Projects. Some of them were at there deployment stages.