
There are 18 repositories under sequential-circuits topic.


    FAN (fan-out-oriented) ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation) and Fault Simulation command line tool

  • IaKee/INF01058-Digital-Systems

    This repository contains my assignments and projects for the Digital Systems course. The course covers the fundamental concepts of digital systems, including Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, memory, and programmable logic devices. I have included VHDL code and simulation results for some of the projects.

  • Saadia-Hassan/Traffic-Light-Controller-Using-FSM

    An automatic traffic light controller is designed and simulated using the concept of Finite State Machine in ModelSim.

  • 0xMartin/LogicSimulator

    Java-based application for simulating sequential and logic circuits of high complexity.

  • dimkatsi91/VHDL_Lab

    VHDL Lab Exercises from simple Combinational/Sequential circuits to a simple CPU design

  • hebaashraf21/Execution-Unit

    An execution unit that is able to do the following commands: Move Value to Register, Move Register to Register, Add Value to Register, Add Register to Register, AND Value to Register and AND Register to Register.

  • MostafaSaftawy/Nand2Tetris

    This is a projects have been completed through 2 parts of nand2tetris course on coursera.

  • rohankalbag/digital-design

    Digital Design Lab - Autumn Semester 2021 - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

  • AhmedAbdelaal2001/Advanced-Encryption-Standard

    A full hardware implementation of the AES using Verilog, supporting SPI communication between all modules.

  • CodeWithAbbas/FPGA-Designing

    It contains the VHDL coding of basic combinational and sequential circuits as well as top level design including Datapath and Controller

  • RawAnger/4-bit-Sequence-Tracker

    This project implement a synchronous sequential circuit which detects two different 4-bit sequences, A and B.

  • Shrikantpatil2197/Digital_Design_With_FPGA_Using_Verilog

    This repository contains the verilog implementation of basic combinational and sequential digital circuits.

  • ShubhamGupta577/HDLbits_solutions

    This repository contains the solutions of the problems given on HDLbits site.

  • gmostofabd/Digital-Logic-Circuits-and-Designs

    🚀 This collection contains experiments focusing on the basics of digital logic gates using common ICs, equivalent circuits, and practical implementation using a breadboard. Investigates the functional truth tables of gates and simplification procedures using Boolean math's , Karnaugh mapping, de-Morgan's law etc.

  • Ishrak30/Number-Caller

    A number caller for a specific sequence of numbers which are given in the requirements folder. All type of circuit design is done in the circ files. CSE231 project for North South University students.

  • memgonzales/hdl-flip-flop

    Compilation of Verilog behavioral models and test benches for the four types of flip-flops (SR, JK, D, and T)

  • punyansh-v/8-bit-encryptor-decryptor

    Digital Electronics Project

  • RichaSavant/Icarus-Verilog-HDL-Logical-Circuits-2023

    This repository focuses on designing and simulating logical circuits using Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) with the Icarus Verilog simulator.
