
There are 9 repositories under server-architecture topic.

  • ketoo/NoahGameFrame

    A fast, scalable, distributed game server engine/framework for C++, include the actor library, network library, can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal.

  • OpenArkStudio/ARK

    ARK is a lightweight, agile, elastic, distributed plugin framework written in C++,make it easier and faster to create your own application service.

  • payne911/marvelous-bob

    libGDX Client and Server architecture for multiplayer game (with CI/CD done for deploying Docker images on AWS ECS)

  • SaptarshiSarkar12/Computer-Networking

    This is a repository containing the summary in details, about computer networking.

  • prince-chrismc/Distributed-Systems

    This is a Java repository to contain my work for Distributed Systems (SOEN423) from Concordia Universirty during Fall 2018.

  • LogoFX/Samples.AspNetCore

    Short sample of bootstrapping in .NET Core with cross-platform LogoFX Utilities

  • pluralia/server-architectures-comparison

    A Java course project: implementation and comparison of 3 server architectures

  • ANSANJAY/HTTP-Web-Server-Implementation

    "Explore the world of HTTP web server implementation. Learn about HTTP standards, TCP server integration, URL formatting, and more. Enhance your understanding of web development and networking fundamentals.

  • IntellectualsDev/Odyssey-Game-Server

    The Odyssey Dedicated Game Server is a high-performance, scalable multiplayer server in C++. it supports dyanmic memory managment and real-time features like delta compression and lag compensation across concurrent game lobbies
