There are 83 repositories under server-side-api topic.
Collaborative project made with @DazedChou and @magickw. The website includes information such as weather, visibility, cloud coverage, current moon phase, constellations that are visible at this time of year, upcoming meteor showers, and the latest news in astronomy.
Project provides basic idea and approach to implement the Swift Backend, here connfigure server package and write the rest api in swift language itself, there is no any dependencies of other languages to build the rest api's
Book Lovers is a web application that lets users search for a book based on author, title, subject, and genre. Books will be displayed based on their unique ISBN. LocalStorage will be used to store data of most recently searches and be displayed for the user to quickly navigate.
App asks users to enter basic criteria of what they are looking for (cuisine, location/distance, etc). Will populate a “spin the wheel” button that picks a random result and then links map/delivery links. API’s that we used: zippopotamus, zomato, google maps…
MTHSY Music! is a collaborative music search application that displays specific information about an artist or a song title. View a recorded app demo here:
A weather dashboard that allows to search to view the weather outlook for multiple cities so travelers can plan a trip accordingly.
A Python server (FastAPI) that simplifies the work with the ApiMedic service. Send simpler requests to your server and get the result from the service.
Built a REST API to fetch latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query and return a custom paginated response
A Population Density Checker application allows the user to check the population of a desired location. This application was built using API requests, as well as JavaScript and Tailwind for the front end.
A weather application which allows users to search the weather for different cities and save previously searched cities to their local drive.
Anime-Vault is a NextJS 14 Server Side App with Server Actions, Infinite Scroll, and Framer-Motion Animations, which displays the lists of all anime from Server Side API. This project aims to define, understand, separate, and implement Server Side Actions and Clint Side Actions in NextJS and deploy on Vercel.
A weather dashboard that features dynamically updated HTML and CSS using OpenWeather API data.
A weather dashboard application that uses server-side APIs & FETCH requests to obtain weather forecasts from a searched city by the user.
A web application to search for nearby breweries while displaying Google User ratings.
User can search any city and view the current weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, and color coordinated UV index. A 5 day forecast is also displayed showing day of the week, date, weather condition, temperature high, temperature low, and humidity. Search history is saved at the bottom of the page as an clickable list.
This web page is a weather dasboard that: Allows weather search for a city.
This web application leverages HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side APIs to enable users to search GitHub for open source projects with active issues and pull requests, making it easier to find and contribute to collaborative programming efforts.
Weather Dashboard Application - Server side APIs, HTML, CSS, Local Storage
MERN stack and TMDB powered search engine app for popular TV series and movies
A weather dashboard that runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS. The application features a search option for a specific city along with a list of cities from the search history. The weather dashboard also features a five day weather forecast and current weather conditions for a given city.
Library of Congress Search Tool is an application that searches and displays results from the Library of Congress API.
Media Generator is a robust data search based on your favorite actor, movie, or tv show. After you run a search, you'll see a vast amount of data relevant without having any adds or popups. .
Welcome to the Weather Dashboard Project! This web app helps you find current weather and forecasts for any location using the OpenWeather API, ensuring you're well-informed for your travel plans.
Server-side API that connects people with fun things to do in their area.
Open Source API - A weather dashboard that features dynamically updated HTML and CSS using OpenWeather API data.
Week-6 Challenge (Server-side APIs): Using third-party and server-side apis to bring clients live weather updates and future forecasts from anywhere in the world.
Week 6 Challenge: Utilizing server-side APIs and third-party APIs to deliver real-time weather updates and future forecasts to clients globally.
A web application that allows users to view the weather forecast for cities of their choosing. This web app uses the 5 Day Weather Forecast Server-Side API from OpenWeatherMap.
Server-Side APIs Project: Weather Dashboard
Modern Next 14 Server Side App with Server Actions, Infinite Scroll & Framer Motion Animations
Used to search for a cities weather and store recent searches in localStorage that can be quickly regenerated with that cities weather for today and tomorrow.
Weather-Report-Application: Basis- Creating a weather-report app which uses Server-Side-Api's in order to dynamically fill in weather cards on the application home screen, as well as show upcoming weather predictions depending on where you put the location as.
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Module 6 Challenge