
There are 194 repositories under siamese-neural-network topic.

  • justchenhao/STANet

    official implementation of the spatial-temporal attention neural network (STANet) for remote sensing image change detection

  • beringresearch/ivis

    Dimensionality reduction in very large datasets using Siamese Networks

  • EfficientWord-Net


    OneShot Learning-based hotword detection.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook211123633
  • tlatkowski/multihead-siamese-nets

    Implementation of Siamese Neural Networks built upon multihead attention mechanism for text semantic similarity task.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18291643
  • ajayarunachalam/Deep_XF

    Package towards building Explainable Forecasting and Nowcasting Models with State-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks and Dynamic Factor Model on Time Series data sets with single line of code. Also, provides utilify facility for time-series signal similarities matching, and removing noise from timeseries signals.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1124223
  • Aftaab99/OfflineSignatureVerification

    Writer independent offline signature verification using convolutional siamese networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8111429
  • monologuesmw/bearing-fault-diagnosis-cnn

    Siamese network for bearing fault diagnosis

  • dmis-lab/KitcheNette

    KitcheNette: Predicting and Recommending Food Ingredient Pairings using Siamese Neural Networks

  • aspamers/siamese

    A simple, easy-to-use and flexible siamese neural network implementation for Keras

  • demelin/Sentence-similarity-classifier-for-pyTorch

    Re-implementation of Mueller's et al., "Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity." (AAAI, 2016)

  • nevoit/Siamese-Neural-Networks-for-One-shot-Image-Recognition

    One-shot Siamese Neural Network, using TensorFlow 2.0, based on the work presented by Gregory Koch, Richard Zemel, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. we used the “Labeled Faces in the Wild” dataset with over 5,700 different people. Some people have a single image, while others have dozens.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook51318
  • robinniesert/kaggle-google-quest

    Google QUEST Q&A Labeling Kaggle Competition 6th Place Solution

  • shahrukhx01/siamese-nn-semantic-text-similarity

    A repository containing comprehensive Neural Networks based PyTorch implementations for the semantic text similarity task, including architectures such as: Siamese LSTM Siamese BiLSTM with Attention Siamese Transformer Siamese BERT.

  • asagar60/Siamese-Neural-Networks-for-One-shot-Image-Recognition

    One Shot Learning Implementation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook37118
  • previtus/ChangeDetectionProject

    Change Detection project - the more experimental build version. Trying out Active Learning in with deep CNNs for Change detection on remote sensing data.

  • dedhiaparth98/face-recognition

    Face Recognition Model trained with Siamese Network and Triplet Loss function in TensorFlow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook282319
  • fionn-mac/Manhattan-LSTM

    Keras and PyTorch implementations of the MaLSTM model for computing Semantic Similarity.

  • BADMG/SignatureVerification

    A system to recognize whether signatures are forged or real.

  • LIANGKE23/Siamese-FC-KF-CF

    The SiameseFC combined with Kalman Filter and Correlation Filter

  • solcummings/earthvision2021-weakly-supervised

    1st Place Solution for the EARTHVISION 2021 DynamicEarthNet Challenge - Weakly-Supervised Multi-Class Change Detection Track at CVPRW 2021

  • previtus/ChangeDetectionBaseline

    Baseline approach to Change Detection using deep learning and Siamese CNNs

  • JKozerawski/siamese-network

    Implementation of Siamese Neural Network in Caffe

  • fazeVaib/DigiVision

    A deep learning based application which is entitled to help the visually impaired people. The application automatically generates the textual description of what's happening in front of the camera and conveys it to person through audio. It is capable of recognising faces and tell user whether a known person is standing in front of him or not.

  • siamese-neural-networks


    Examples of different Siamese Neural Networks architectures applied to well-known datasets.

  • jackaduma/HomoglyphAttacksDetector

    Detecting Homoglyph Attacks with CNN model using Computer Vision method

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11304
  • morkertis/One-Shot-Face-Recognition

    One-Shot Face Recognition Using Siamese Neural Networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11201
  • TassAI/TASS-Facenet

    TASS Facenet uses Siamese Neural Networks and Triplet Loss to classify known and unknown faces by calculating distances between images, and communicates with IoT devices/applications via the free iotJumpWay PaaS

  • Alby0n/Masked-Face-Recognition

    Identify subjects from CCTV footages even when there are only limited number of photographs available for the suspected individuals. The system should work in near real time and even when there are partial occlusion, different pose, and physical changes like beard , eye-glasses and face masks .

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10317
  • amazon-sagemaker-endpoint-deployment-of-siamese-network-with-torchserve


    Twin Neural Network Training with PyTorch and and its Deployment with TorchServe on Amazon SageMaker

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10704
  • bond005/runne_contrastive_ner

    This project is concerned with my participating in the RuNNE competition

  • DeepsMoseli/Siamese-LSTM-on-sentence-similarity

    Using Siamese LSTM to classify repeated quora questions. Attempted pretrained bert embeddings, Word2Vec and training own embeddings together with the model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9400
  • victor-iyi/few-shot-learning

    One-shot Learning: Learning from fewer dataset with a single or few training examples. Exploration of method and techniques for state-of-the-art results

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9203
  • ya0002/Colab-Siamese_Neural_Nets_for_One-shot_Image_Recognition

    A ready to go implementation of the "Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition" paper in PyTorch on Google Colab with training and testing on the Omniglot/custom datasets.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9104
  • MolecularAI/Siamese-RNN-Self-Attention

    Contains code for Siamese Recurrent Neural Network with Self-Attention for Bioactivity Prediction

  • amandewatnitrr/Aztecs-LogiTraffic

    LogiTraffic is an IoT based Deep Learning Powered Traffic Management and Theft Detection Solution. It’s an online website platform using which user can keep check on certain real-time parameters associated with the vehicle which includes fuel-level, GPS location, Brake System Temperature, Speed, Traffic Forecasting using Vehicle Detection and obtaining vehicle count through different road nodes and predicting Traffic Congestion/Jams. In case the user suspects his/her car has been stolen by logging in using the credentials one can lock the vehicles and see driver’s real time video stream and a picture of the driver is downloaded on the system so that it can be used for further investigation and police cases. (YouTube Video Presentation by Team Aztecs: – Presented in E-Ujjwala Hackathon 2020 by Birsa Institute of Technology, Jharkhand (Team Aztecs - Finalists)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7201
  • liaoyanqing666/siamese_neural_network_OfHSV

    OfHSV project using VGG16 and siamese neural network. Very easy. 使用VGG16和孪生神经网络实现离线签名鉴别,极其简单
