
There are 10 repositories under siglip topic.

  • gokayfem/ComfyUI_VLM_nodes

    Custom ComfyUI nodes for Vision Language Models, Large Language Models, Image to Music, Text to Music, Consistent and Random Creative Prompt Generation

  • merveenoyan/siglip

    Projects based on SigLIP (Zhai et. al, 2023) and Hugging Face transformers integration 🤗

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1303210
  • filipbasara0/simple-clip

    A minimal, but effective implementation of CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) in PyTorch

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21103
  • rhysdg/vision-at-a-clip

    Low-latency ONNX and TensorRT based zero-shot classification and detection with contrastive language-image pre-training based prompts

    Language:Jupyter Notebook212151
  • awsaf49/flickr-dataset

    Download flickr8k, flickr30k image caption datasets

  • alejandroolivo/ObjectClassification-with-fastSAM-and-embeddings

    Este proyecto presenta una solución de Computer Vision para la detección y clasificación de objetos en imágenes, las cuales son extraídas como frames de vídeos. Utiliza el modelo FastSAM para la detección de objetos, y para la clasificación, emplea embeddings que pueden ser generados mediante dos modelos distintos: CLIP o SigLIP.

  • mrzjy/GenshinCLIP

    A simple open-sourced SigLIP model finetuned on Genshin Impact's image-text pairs.

  • seanvelasco/memegraph

    Meme search engine and recommendation system using CLIP-based neural nets

  • morrisfl/mdfe

    Framework for learning multi-domain image embeddings suitable for multi-domain image retrieval at instance-level

  • ivanovsdesign/information_retrieval

    Web scraper for Wildberries + simple vectorization/multimodal embedding workflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10