
There are 81 repositories under smart-grid topic.

  • zhgqcn/awesome-NILM-with-code

    A repository of awesome Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring(NILM) with code.

  • dlms-cosem


    A Python library for DLMS/COSEM

  • pwitab/iec62056-21

    A Python library for IEC62056-21, Local Data Readout of Energy Meters. Former IEC1107

  • mesmo-dev/mesmo

    MESMO - Multi-Energy System Modeling and Optimization

  • skarapost/EVLib

    EVLib is a library for the management and the simulation of Electric Vehicle (EV) activities, at a charging station level, within a Smart Grid environment.

  • ESA


    Easy SimAuto (ESA): An easy-to-use Power System Analysis Automation Environment atop PowerWorld Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto)

  • abyss-soft/webpack-template-base

    Готовая сборка webpack c сеткой smart-grid

  • xuwkk/DDET-MTD

    This repo contains all the codes and data for 'Blending Data and Physics Against False Data Injection Attack: An Event-Triggered Moving Target Defence Approach'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook26104
  • AcerWang/scdDiagram

    smart substation connection and configuration software based on IEC 61850 protocal and SCD file. Email:

  • crond-jaist/GridAttackSim

    GridAttackSim: Smart Grid Attack Simulation Framework

  • MateoGreil/homeassistant-comwatt

    Comwatt Integration for HomeAssistant

  • fnesveda/DemandManagement

    A diploma thesis investigating the options of controlling power demand of households to reduce peaks in total power consumption in smart grids.

  • bitstoenergy/iclr-tutorial

    Smart Meter Data Analytics Tutorial @ 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14005
  • supsi-dacd-isaac/krangpower

    Distribution System Simulator based on OpenDSS and Modern Syntax, DataFrames, Pint, Networkx, Algorithmic Agents.

  • ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-20-00087

    pycity_scheduling - A Python framework for the development and assessment of optimization-based power scheduling algorithms for multi-energy systems in city districts. To cite this Original Software Publication:

  • jddeguia/compare-forecast-models

    Energy production of photovoltaic (PV) system is heavily influenced by solar irradiance. Accurate prediction of solar irradiance leads to optimal dispatching of available energy resources and anticipating end-user demand. However, it is difficult to do due to fluctuating nature of weather patterns.  In the study, neural network models were defined to predict solar irradiance values based on weather patterns. Models included in the study are artificial neural network, convolutional neural network, bidirectional long-short term memory (LSTM) and stacked LSTM.  Preprocessing methods such as data normalization and principal component analysis were applied before model training. Regression metrics such as mean squared error (MSE), maximum residual error (max error), mean absolute error (MAE), explained variance score (EVS), and regression score function (R2 score), were used to evaluate the performance of model prediction. Plots such as prediction curves, learning curves, and histogram of error distribution were also considered as well for further analysis of model performance. All models showed that it is capable of learning unforeseen values, however, stacked LSTM has the best results with the max error, R2, MAE, MSE, and EVS values of 651.536, 0.953, 41.738, 5124.686, and 0.946, respectively.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13104
  • nicomignoni/Smart-Grid-Centralized-Opt

    Scripts for a university project, a simple centralized smart grid energy cost minimization problem.

  • jddeguia/bagging-lstm

    Implementation of bagging-based ensemble for solar irradiance prediction. Base learners used in ensemble learning is stacked-LSTM

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11112
  • nicomignoni/Multiple-storage-systems-in-smart-grids

    Simulations code for MSc thesis.

  • denisraymer/richbee-relation

    HTML layout for Richbee. The parallax effect has been implemented. System of modal windows with warnings. The development used GULP, BEM, BABEL, WEBPACK, SCSS, SMARTGRID

  • sustainable-computing/deadline-aware-fair-scheduling

    A Deadline-Aware, Incentive-Compatible and Proportionally-Fair Mechanism for EV Charging in Distribution Grids

  • SyedHasnat/Papers

    Contains the code for the paper "Multi-Horizon Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Hybrid of LSTM and Modified Split Convolution"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9233
  • kchristidis/island

    A simulator for blockchain-based local energy markets

  • Ildar-Daminov/Assessment_Dynamic_Thermal_Rating_of_Transformers

    MATLAB code and data for the article 📋: I. Daminov, A. Prokhorov, R. Caire, M-C Alvarez-Herault, “Assessment of dynamic transformer rating, considering current and temperature limitations” in International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IF: 3,588, Q1), 2021

  • sparc


    Smart Grid solution which compiles home networks and grids in an effecient manner, controlled by recurrent networks which predict distribution and consumption and also supported by an energy credit system. All running as microservices supporting each other.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7324
  • Pratik-Harsh/Matlab_Code

    Two stage heuristic method to reconfigure the distribution networks

  • denisraymer/top-news-israel

    News site layout using GULP, BEM, BABEL, WEBPACK, SCSS, SMART-GRID

  • FlorianDe/power-grid-gans

    This project contains an extensible GAN Framework which can be used to generate power grid related data for simulations.

  • MateoGreil/python-comwatt-client

    A Python client library for interacting with the Comwatt API.

  • Dellintel98/smart-nanogrid-gym

    Smart Nanogrid Gym is an OpenAI Gym environment for simulation of a smart nanogrid incorporating renewable energy systems, battery energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging station, grid connection, a connected building and using vehicle-to-everything methodology.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3202
  • hector6298/smart_electric_monitoring

    simple electric monitoring with Wemos D1, MQTT, plotly dash and SQLAlchemy.

  • jddeguia/grid-search-pca-cnn

    Implementation of solar irradiance prediction model with grid-search optimization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • pwitab/iflag

    A Python library for the Itron / Actaris IFLAG and Corus protocol

  • philippedeb/smart-control-algorithm

    Simulation environment and concise implementation of proposed smart control algorithm for renewable energy assets.

  • rithviknishad/daeg

    DAEG is about Decentralized and Autonomous Energy Grid project to provide a framework to manage clusters of DC microgrid.

  • SaM-92/energy-data-entsoe

    The ENTSO-E Data Analysis Tool is an interactive web application designed to streamline the analysis of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) power system data. This tool is crafted to facilitate a seamless operation in handling, visualising, and analysing electricity market and grid data across Europe.
