
There are 15 repositories under snapchat-face-filter topic.

  • acl21/Selfie_Filters_OpenCV

    This deep learning application can detect Facial Keypoints (15 unique points). They mark important areas of the face - the eyes, corners of the mouth, the nose, etc.

  • OLC-Repo


    A repository for scripts, prefabs, and whatever else

  • abhishek-parashar/style-gan

    edit your image for age, gender, pose, smile or glasses. This repository explains style-gan and how to play around with facial images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook352014
  • agrawal-rohit/opencv-facial-filters

    Real-time selfie filters using facial keypoints regression and opencv

  • etosworld/etos-simplefilter

    Simple Snapchat-like face filters with Python dlib.

  • kanchan88/snapchat-like-shades-filter

    Here, I have the kaggle data with the images of people and the points in which their eyes are located. Lets say I have 96*96 pixel image of person and I am given the X,Y co-ordinate where there can be eyes. I am unable to push this data to git. Download it from here: I then trained this image using CNN, which in return gives me the model which can predict where the eyes of people can be in the given image of people. After getting the co-cordinate of eye position, I added shades over these pixels. Here, I have also used frontal face cascade to send only facial image to CNN model.

  • ayush4460/Snapchat-Face-Filter-Backend

    This is the backend repository for the "Snapchat-Face-Filter" project. Handles image processing, filter selection, and communication with the frontend. Enables real-time filter application and image manipulation.

  • bhargav-joshi/Snapchat-Filter

    Challenge - GOT Snapchat Filter? GOT Snapchat Filter? Making cool face filters for GOT Characters & yourself !!

  • hrugved06/ML-DL-Projects

    ML/DL Projects will be included in this repository.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • LiamSx45/Snapchat-Lenses

    A collection of my snapchat lenses

  • mohtashimkamran/snapchat-filter-coding-blocks-challenge

    Basic Snapchat Filter Challenge For Coding Blocks Online Data Science Course

  • Soumya007-developer/GOT-Snapchat-Filter

    In this project, I will be building snapchat like face filters - eyeglasses and moustache for popular Game Of Throne Characters Tyrion Lannister and Jaime.

  • jharishav99/Snapchat-Filter

    AI/ML-powered Snapchat filter! It adds a mustache and goggles to any face using advanced facial landmark detection.

  • TheMadrasTechie/Spark-AR-filters

    Some simple DIY Snapchat filters