
There are 8 repositories under social-cognition topic.

  • zhchen18/ToMBench

    ToMBench: Benchmarking Theory of Mind in Large Language Models, ACL 2024.

  • skywalker023/pragmatic-consistency

    🤖 Code for our EMNLP 2020 paper: "Will I Sound Like Me? Improving Persona Consistency in Dialogues through Pragmatic Self-Consciousness"

  • shubhe25p/Working-Memory-Demand-in-Social-Cognition

    Estimate the demand of working memory in Social Cognition Tasks using HCP-fMRI dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7101
  • neurofractal/perspective_taking_oscillatory_networks

    Repository to hold and describe MATLAB/Python scripts for "Oscillatory Networks of High-Level Mental Alignment: A Perspective-Taking MEG Study"

  • alanjern/behavior-explanation

    Code, data, and materials for "A computational framework for understanding the roles of simplicity and rational support in people's behavior explanations"

  • CasperHesp/GettingTheFeels

    This repository contains all the code relevant to my PhD research (2019-2023) at University of Amsterdam, funded by a Research Talent Grant from Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Pursuant to the Open Access requirements of the NWO, all code here is published on the basis of an MIT licence or equivalent.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • liobaenk/eva_usability

    Two studies (laboratory, 2-week longitudinal training) to assess the effectiveness and usability of a social cognition training programme for autistic users
