There are 46 repositories under softmax-classifier topic.
Machine learning algorithms in Dart programming language
The Pytorch Implementation of L-Softmax
My solutions for Assignments of CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Recognize one of six human activities such as standing, sitting, and walking using a Softmax Classifier trained on mobile phone sensor data.
Read and process CIFAR10 dataset, implement SVM and Softmax classifiers, train , and also tune up hyper parameters.
Plots how the logit values that are passed into the softmax function change over time as the model is trained.
Code for the Paper : NBC-Softmax : Darkweb Author fingerprinting and migration tracking (
Neural Network to predict which wearable is shown from the Fashion MNIST dataset using a single hidden layer
A data classification using MLP
Deep Learning breast histology microscopy image recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Developed a Convolutional Neural Network based on VGG16 architecture to diagnose COVID-19 and classify chest X-rays of patients suffering from COVID-19, Ground Glass Opacity and Viral Pneumonia. This repository contains the link to the dataset, python code for visualizing the obtained data and developing the model using Keras API.
Neural network-based character recognition using MATLAB. The algorithm does not rely on external ML modules, and is rigorously defined from scratch. A report is included which explains the theory, algorithm performance comparisons, and hyperparameter optimization.
斯坦福大学cs231n课程的第一项作业之我的解答。Solution for Assignment1 (Images classification, kNN, SVM, SoftMax, FullyConnected Neural Network)
Classifying fruit types using a deep learning method, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN/ConvNet), which is a type of artificial neural network that is generally used in image recognition and processing. And carry out the process of improvement mode with transfer learning.
Image classifier which classifies MNIST database of handwritten digits 0-9 using 28x28 pixel images
🦠| Sentiment analysis on tweets about covid-19 vaccinations using Soft-max Regression, FNN, RNN and BERT-Base-uncased.
Convolution Neural Network to predict Covid-19. This is a CNN model which predicts whether you have Healthy or you have Coronavirus or you have Pneumonia. I implemented CNN from Scratch and I implemented VGG-16 architecture. This model takes your CT scan report as input and will tell you the result. This Convolutional layer Connects to DeepNeuralNetwork. I found this image dataset(CT scan of patients) online and trained the model for 70 epochs using Softmax function in the output layer. If I had got a much more large image dataset(CT scan of patients) then I could have increased the accuracy a bit more. This model has the potential to become a breakthrough invention in the field of medical industry.
Compared 3 Machine learning algorithms namely Softmax classification, K nearest neighbours and Multilayer Perceptron using F-1 scoring on Breast Cancer Wisconsin dataset. Used Features based on digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. Used Scikit SKLearn to Implement the 3 models.
Simple implementation of general machine learning algorithms
This is a naive implementaion of softmax classifier with cross entropy loss functioon
Repository contains neural network for classification using softmax as an activation function
Classifying the following 5 types of flowers: Rose, Daisy, Dandelion, Sunflower and Tulip
Applied Softmax Classifier on Cifar10 Dataset
This project explores image classification on the PROPS Classification Dataset. It includes K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, and Softmax classifiers, and two-layer and multi-layer neural networks. The goal is to build a machine learning pipeline, experiment with optimizers, and evaluate model performance.
Just exploring Deep Learning
MITx - MicroMasters Program on Statistics and Data Science - Machine Learning with Python - Second Project
Distributed DP-Helmet: Scalable Differentially Private Non-interactive Averaging of Single Layers
Applying a softmax based neural network to predict customer category
Jupyter notebook implementing an efficient machine learning method to classify flowers from the Iris data set.
MNIST Handwritten Digits Classification using Deep Learning with accuracy of 0.9944
Introducción práctica al machine learning supervisado, explorando algunos de los algoritmos clásicos más utilizados.
"This program trains a model using 'SVM' or 'Softmax' and predicts the input data. Loss history and predicted tags are displayed as results."
Classifier Iris dataset with softmax from scratch
In this project, I implement a softmax classifier and a K-nearest-neighbor algorithm from scratch and train them. I do not use any DL library, only classic math libraries are required (numpy, math, mathplotlib...).