
There are 17 repositories under softwaredeveloper topic.

  • lukasmoldon/GHStreaksThesis

    Code for ICSE2021 conference paper and bachelor thesis on GitHub streak

  • anupavanm/goodbye-repetitive-strain-injury

    TMS related information & resources to cure RSI

  • resume-template


    Resume template for software developers without related production experience.

  • Deepangshi/Deepangshi

    DS-Software Developer

  • zebbern/BugHunterz

    🕵️‍♂️ | BugHunterz extension provides real-time monitoring, vulnerability detection, and data gathering capabilities for web applications.

  • a6h15hek/a6h15hek

    Hi, I’m Abhishek M. Yadav, a Full Stack Developer and Computer Science Engineer based in Maharashtra, India. I specialize in building seamless web and mobile applications, along with robust backend systems, to deliver innovative digital solutions. Let’s collaborate to create impactful projects that drive results and exceed expectations!

  • alissatroiano/simplefolio


  • dudox/

    I'm a Software Engineer with over 5 years of professional working experience from Lagos, Nigeria. I find business models to be one of the apt. curious areas in development as it gives you an insight into the mind of the product owner and an avenue to creating unique problem solving solutions.

  • HS-doshi/Food_Order

    A high-performance Angular and TypeScript food e-commerce project, born from countless hours of dedicated work and a remarkable learning journey.

  • ArashSasani/ArashSasani

    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  • aviraj-358/Portfolio

    I am a Full Stack Developer Specialization For Java

  • bahrulrozak/Best-Practices-In-Software-Development

    best practices in software development

  • BrajeshKumarchaudhary/portfolio

    My Personal Portfolio.

  • AnkushRajMaheYam/Portfolio-Website

    This portfolio website serves as an online portfolio to display your skills, projects, and accomplishments. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website is fully responsive and offers a user-friendly interface to present your work to potential clients, employers, and collaborators.

  • Ishan2608/Portfolio-Website

    My portfolio website that will take you through my projects and articles, helping you understand my skills and capabilities.

  • OmPreetham/ompreetham

    Embedding HTML within SVG inside an Image in a README