
There are 31 repositories under soil-survey topic.

  • PredictiveSoilMapping


    Predictive Soil Mapping with R (book)

  • ncss-tech/soilDB

    soilDB: Simplified Access to National Cooperative Soil Survey Databases

  • ncss-tech/aqp

    Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology

  • ncss-tech/stats_for_soil_survey

    S4SS: Statistics for Soil Survey

  • ncss-tech/soilReports

    An R package that assists with the setup and operation of a collection of soil data summary, comparison, and evaluation reports. These reports are primarily used by USDA-NRCS soil scientists in both initial and update mapping.

  • ncss-tech/SoilTaxonomy

    A System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys

  • ncss-tech/soil-pit

    Workspace for projects and active development.

  • ncss-tech/dsm-focus

    Digital Soil Mapping Focus Teams

  • ncss-tech/ssurgoOnDemand

    user driven SSURGO properties and interpretations

  • ncss-tech/sda-lib

    Soil Data Access is the name of a suite of web services and applications whose purpose is to meet requirements for requesting and delivering soil survey spatial and tabular data that are not being met by the current Web Soil Survey and Geospatial Data Gateway websites.

  • TomC-93/Tree-Root-Microbiome-Project

    The scripts contained in this repository relate directly to the work conducted by the Tree Root Microbiome Project (TRMP) led by Dr Steve Wakelin.

  • alazarolop/dicsm

    Disaggregation of Conventional Soil Maps, PhD thesis

  • brownag/hydricsoils

    Tools for 'Field Indicators of Hydric Soils'

  • Circuit-Digest/Wireless-Soil-Moisture-Sensor-with-Micro-Energy-Harvester

    An advanced soil moisture sensor with micro energy harvesting technology which allows you to use the sensor without the need for constantly recharging it. It operates on wireless technology makig it easy to use and ready to deploy in fields

  • brownag/labtaxa

    Analysis-ready Rocker RStudio Server-based Container for the USDA-NRCS-NCSS Kellogg Soil Survey Lab Data Mart 'SQLite' Snapshot

  • JuliusFx131/GeoAI-Estimating-Soil-Parameters-Using-Hyperspectral-Images

    The traditional in-situ soil analysis methods are laborious & inefficient, limiting scalability and hindering timely access to crucial soil data for optimal fertilization by farmers. In the amazing challenge, we tried to predict soil parameters(Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium and pH)from hyperspectral satellite images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2000
  • brownag/nasis

    National Soil Information System (‘NASIS’) Data Model Abstraction Layer

  • chandan5362/Soil-Mapping

    We chose this topic as a part of our BTech-Project. I worked on a neural network based gaussian process (also known as neural process) to model the realisations of stochastic phenomenon. My main aim was to leverage modern deep learning techniques and geoscience to assist farmers. It can provide an in-depth analysis of soil nutrients for a particular location so that farmers would be able to grow crops in abundance without any loss.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • DaRkZ1177/Soilers

    A website on soil awareness

  • EngrSaad2/Soil-Testing-App

    An android app to capture the user, location and farmss data and connect with the soil-testing device, Farms-Product to generate the N,P,K, pH etc. (Soil parameter result) and recommend the crop based on the parameter and generate the fertilizer report.

  • factism001/revosoil

    A Django web application that helps farmers interprete soil analysis results and give recommendations

  • GreenspaceGroup/awesome-image-analysis

    A curated list of software, tools, pipelines, plugins etc. for image analysis with particular focus on tools for GIS photogrammetry, remote sensing, topographic imagery analysis.

  • JenkemChic/DirtLENS

    DirtLENS offers precise soil and geological analysis through its innovative light chamber boroscope, providing valuable insights for agriculture, archaeology, and geology. Boasting an intuitive interface, this versatile app caters to both professionals and non-experts in earth science applications.

  • alechaulotte/soilutils

    Basic tools for working with NCSS soils data

  • ANZSoilData/aus-vocab

    SCMA work now in

  • ksauldataservices/MicrosoftPlanetaryComputer_gNATSGO

    Microsoft Planetary Computer - gNATSGO

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • smroecker/dsmorph-madison-2015

    Digital Summaries of Pedon Descriptions

  • smroecker/soil-pit

    presentations, posters, and small projects

  • zikaden/Soil-Tracker

    App for the scientific tracking of soil horizons using the WRB

  • FAIMS/SoilsModule

    Soil mapping and sampling in New Zealand

  • smroecker/mast-mojave

    Soil Temperature in the Mojave Desert
