
There are 5 repositories under sound-effect topic.

  • Foox-dev/Titanfall2-Eject-Sound-Effect

    A Python application that adds a custom sound effect to your Titanfall 2 gameplay. Plays the first 10 seconds of 'Free Bird' when ejecting from a titan, with customizable volume. Enhance your gaming experience with this fun and personalized sound effect.

  • mrbid/Sound-Effects

    Produced using the Borg software synthesizers.

  • nbrochec/mookVCF-

    A digital approximation of the iconic Moog VCF implemented in a Max external object.

  • Abdur-Rahman-Apu/Lucky-Player

    This is a simple, fast-paced two-player game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The goal is to see which player can reach the winning score the fastest.

  • infofintech/game

    An old PC and console games sound effects.