
There are 16 repositories under spam-emails topic.

  • disposable-email-domain-list


    List of disposable email domains. You can use it to block fake users on your newsletter.

  • banhao/AutoSpamEmailScan

    AutoSpamEmailScan.ps1 is used to monitor a specific mailbox that enterprise users can forward suspicious spam emails to a specific mailbox.

  • FFMG/myoddweb.classifier

    Microsoft Outlook automatic Spam Classifier, Classify emails as they arrive and move them to your own folders. Works on Office 356, Outlook 2016,2013 and 2010

  • kamikazechaser/disposable-email-cache

    A self-hosted alternative to Kickbox's OpenAPI for checking if an email is disposable/temporary

  • SpamBox_Email_Component


    🥡️✉️📦️ The SpamBox is an open source separate implementation of the typical email spam folder.

  • filtering-Enron-spam-emails-using-supervised-learning


    Don't let spams ruin your email-browsing mood! Everyone deserves a spam-free Internet surfing experience.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4103
  • DMail_SpamBox


    🥡️📧️📦️ The DMail implementation of an Email Spam box.

  • INKWWW/Pattern-Recognition

    pattern recognition projects

  • AvastrOficial/Email-Bomber

    Esta página web y script en Python proporciona una herramienta para enviar correos electrónicos de manera automatizada utilizando SMTP (Protocolo Simple de Transferencia de Correo). no me hago responsable del mal uso que se le pueda dar.

  • MSc-AI/SpamEmail

    This dataset is collected from here. I just used enron1 folder. It contains two folders of spam and ham. Each folder contains emails. I iterated to each text file of those folders and created a dataframe and written to a csv file. This can be helpful for others.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • trevor229/spammail

    A bunch of spam mails I have gotten since late 2017. Number of commits is a rough estimate of the amount of emails

  • aliabdallah7/spam-detection

    Predict if the received message is spam or not.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0110
  • Coder0202/Cyberus---measuring-risk

    Cyberus is a tool that checks the generic and emotive legitimacy of a message and provides an estimate of the risk based on the dataset on which it was trained, as well as certain machine learning models for quantitative risk prediction.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • hurricanejin/NLP

    Natural Language Processing with Python

  • OMEGAMAX10/Spam-Classifier

    Spam classifier using support vector machine (LIBSVM)

  • povstenko/analyze-spam-emails

    📧 Practice Python Regex for Data Scientists using Fraudulent Email Corpus from Kaggle

    Language:Jupyter Notebook201