
There are 3 repositories under speaker-diarization-problem topic.

  • vishalshar/SpeakerDiarization_RNN_CNN_LSTM

    Speaker Diarization is the problem of separating speakers in an audio. There could be any number of speakers and final result should state when speaker starts and ends. In this project, we analyze given audio file with 2 channels and 2 speakers (on separate channels).

  • rvarma9604/enc_EEND

    Implementation of the paper "End-to-End Speaker Diarization for an Unknown Number of Speakers with Encoder-Decoder Based Attractors" by Shota Horiguchi et al.

  • joseph9991/SpeakerDiarisation-Python

    Speaker Diarisation implemented in Python with the help of IBM Cloud's Watson, which provides a free speech-to-text API
