
There are 222 repositories under spoonacular-api topic.

  • MuhammadSabah/Frisp

    Social Networking Recipe App Using Provider

  • LinusMuema/foodies

    A clean MVVM architecture android application

  • johnwmillr/SpoonacularAPI

    🥄Python wrapper for the Spoonacular API 🥄

  • Krish-Parekh/Foody

    Foody is an Android application that helps you search for a variety of cuisines based on your preferences and filters. The app provides you with the recipe and ingredients required to prepare your dish. It categorizes dishes based on your diet plan and also includes a joke segment for entertainment. Foody also features offline caching.

  • ramyberrekia/ramys-tedbira

    A website (webapp) to get food recipes by recipes names & ingredients.

  • ikramdeveloper/spoonacular-recipes-app-react

    Using Spoonacular Api and Styled Components - ReactJS

  • MariaGarber/Home-Chef

    Home Chef is an android application that offers over 360,000 different recipes using Spoonacular API.

  • jonathanfunk/whats-in-your-kitchen

    This is an application where you take note of what's in your kitchen & discover recipes

  • prakash-s-2210/mern-recipe-book-app

    This is a full-stack web app built with React and Express.js/MongoDB for the frontend and backend respectively. It features a sign-up page with validation and file upload, a home page with a search bar for data from Spoonacular API, and a profile page displaying user info and saved recipes.

  • edwintantawi/foodsery

    Explore & discover 5.000+ recipes around the world

  • MAMA-LY/Recipe-Recommender

    An application that suggests food recipes given certain ingredients or themes.

  • NurdinDev/what-do-I-cook

    A frontend website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The website will communicate and integrate with a Food and Recipes API.

  • boy12hoody/MyRecipes

    A beautiful Food Recipes app based on MVVM architecture and Material UI design. The project uses latest methods and best practices as much as possible. Remote and Local data sources, pagination, shimmering effects, error messages and much more..

  • vishalmakhiijani/food-recipe-android-app

    This application is made for providing recipes using spooncular api

  • animsh/Appita

    🍲 Android Food Recipes App using Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.

  • NoaTubic/drecipe

    Drecipe: Flutter-based mobile application for iOS and Android, designed for culinary enthusiasts to discover and manage recipes. Features include authentication, recipe discovery by various criteria, detailed recipe views, favorites management, and advanced search capabilities. Integrated with the Spoonacular API for comprehensive recipe details

  • owenvoke/spoonacularapi

    The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over 360,000 recipes and 80,000 food products.

  • clxmente/tender

    🥩 Swipe left or right to find new foods and restaurants to try!

  • msa0683/chattyCathy

    Interactive Javascript based bot using HTML and CSS. Cathy can answer questions, provide suggestions, and engage in conversation. Cathy is able to generate quick and rich responses to a variety of user queries. Whether its suggesting recipes based on the what is in the user's refrigerator or solving math problems,

  • p-olszewski/DietDesigner

    A mobile app for generating personalized nutrition plans built with Flutter, Firebase and Spoonacular API.

  • riakotti/LDA-Modelling-Example

    Clustering text (recipes) using TF-IDF and K-Means.

  • Sayan-Maity/Cooking-Partner

    A web application which helps users to prepare delicious meals at home 🍔🍕

  • deepankarvarma/Recipe-Finder-Using-Python

    This repository contains code for a recipe finder web application that allows users to search for recipes based on the ingredients they have and their dietary restrictions. The application makes an API call to the Spoonacular API to retrieve recipe information and displays the results in a tabular format.

  • garima-bothra/WTFD

    What's There For Dinner - A Recipe App. This app can be used to search recipes based on ingredients available as well as dish names. You can also check it's nutrition value.

  • imranrehman-it/Recipe-App

    A recipe app built using React and react-router with Spoonacular API.

  • ksw5/WinePairingApp

    User inputs their food item, entree, or cuisine and the app displays wine suggestions

  • pusakamanggala/cook-recipe-web-app

    Cooking recipe website with Spoonacular API

  • Sagr32/Recipe

    Flutter food recipes app , api from spoonacular.com

  • xelphin-fever/lifesum-clone

    Clone of Lifesum App: calorie and nutrient tracker.

  • Abhi-vish/Foodvision

    FoodVision: A revolutionary project designed to enhance your culinary experience by effortlessly scanning food items to access comprehensive information, including nutritional details, suggested recipes tailored to the detected food, and nearby culinary inspirations.

  • Arjun2715/RecipeHunter

    Recipe Hunter recipes search and management

  • bex-ford/project-1

    Website application that provides recipe ideas for vegetarian and gluten-free options.

  • Jeanette-Ralph/Recipe-Generator

    A front-end application to find recipes with ingredient substitutions for those days you just don't know what to make.

  • mdminhaziftekhar/Recipe-Site-React

    Delicious Recipes website. This is a web app made with React.js. It features various delicious Recipes fetched from spoonacular API. Browse, Search and read details about your desired recipe.

  • saugat-rimal/kitchen

    Looking for the perfect recipe? Kitchen Book Recipe is here to help! Our web app makes it easy to search for recipes based on your preferences, so you can find the perfect dish for any occasion.

  • warmstrongsr/PantryPlus-

    For my capstone project I attempted to use every technology I learned the last 10 weeks.
