
There are 14 repositories under sqlx-cli topic.

  • wpcodevo/rust-axum-jwt-auth

    Are you interested in building a secure authentication system for your Rust web application? Look no further than the Axum framework and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)! Axum is a fast and scalable Rust web framework that provides a reliable and efficient platform for developing microservices and APIs.

  • wpcodevo/fullstack-rust-app

    In this article, I'll walk you through the process of building a backend API using the Actix web framework, SQLX, PostgreSQL, and Docker. Once we've created a powerful backend, we'll move on to building a single-page app using the Yew.rs framework.

  • wpcodevo/rust-axum-mysql

    In this article, you'll discover how to use the Axum framework to build a RESTful API in Rust that supports basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations against a MySQL database.

  • wpcodevo/rust-mysql-crud-sqlx

    In this article, we will explore how to use Rust, Actix Web, SQLX, and MySQL to build a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API.

  • wpcodevo/rust-user-signup-forgot-password-email

    In this article, we will explore the process of building a REST API in Rust with features like user registration, email verification, login, and logout capabilities. Our API will be powered by the high-performance Axum framework and will utilize the SQLx toolkit to store data in a SQLite database.

  • litsynp/rust-axum-todo-api

    A Rust example of a todo application with axum.

  • aakash-rajur/sqlxgen

    cli tool to generate sqlx models from schemas and queries

  • sanstzu/auth

    Simple Rust server for authentication with Axum and PostgreSQL.

  • NewbMiao/axum-koans

    koans for axum in rust

  • RGGH/axum_yt

    Axum in stages - check branches for progression - highest "p" number is most advanced.

  • fu-ry17/rust-axum-api

    rust axum api - using postgreql and sqlx

  • hazadus/rust-newsletter

    Simple newsletter app, written in Rust.

  • mikebelanger/ntex_sqlx_experiment

    Just fooling around with ntex and sqlx

  • ungana/sqlx-sqlite-database-connection

    An example project showing how to use SQLx and SQLite together in a Rust project.
