
There are 25 repositories under stable-matching-problem topic.

  • alextanhongpin/stable-marriage-problem

    Solving the Stable Marriage/Matching Problem with the Gale–Shapley algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12304
  • anushadatta/RoyalMatch

    👑 Implementing Gale-Shapley algorithm with Flask & Heroku.

  • omrawal/Stable-Matching

    Implementation of Stable matching Algorithm

  • aperrault/stable-matching-suite

    SAT implementation of stable matching problem with couples and reference implementations of deferred acceptance algorithms.

  • IP-MATCH/StableMatchingCodes

    Codes used for paper on mathematical modelling

  • pySRURGS/residency_match

    Simulating the medical residency match.

  • leyviya/stable-matching-problem

    Graph Theory Applications course semester project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • IP-MATCH/pyhrtc

    A Python module to inspect various types of HRTC problems

  • jorge-martinez-gil/stable-marriage

    Optimal Selection of Training Courses for Unemployed People based on Stable Marriage Model

  • MohammadYasinKarbasian/Stable-Marriage

    This repository contains a Python implementation of the Stable Marriage Algorithm, a mechanism for solving the stable marriage problem. The algorithm is widely used in the field of matching theory to find a stable matching between two sets of elements, such as job applicants and employers or medical students and residency programs.

  • umarhunter/what-a-match

    This repository contains the Gale-Shapley (1962) and Irving's (1985) algorithm's for Stable Matching.

  • yuvashreek/Gale-Shapley-Algorithm

    Implemented Gale Shapley Algorithm for stable marriage problem, reference from Algorithm Design by Keleinberg Tardos

  • HE-Xinyu/fast-EADAM

    A solver for 'College Admission Problem with Consent' based on paper 'Legal Assignments and fast EADAM with consent via classical theory of stable matchings'.

  • lanesket/stable-matching-problem

    SMP, Gale-Shapley algorithm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Manaswi-Vichare/Efficient-Stable-Matching-Recomputation-in-Dynamic-Bipartite-Graphs

    Refined the Gale-Shapley algorithm by recalculating stable matchings in bipartite graphs, incorporating dynamic updates for edge deletions, achieving O(N) time complexity for edge deletions, enhancing computational efficiency.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • mariospar/courseOptimisation

    This repository implements an optimization algorithm for participant-course allocation in the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST). The BEST matching system has been enhanced to improve computational efficiency by adapting approaches from the Stable Marriage problem, specifically the Hospital-Residents (HR) problem.

  • readjfb/Project-Week-3.0

    Refactored Version of Project-Week-2.0. Created based off of (reasonably) good Java programming practices

  • sahithyp/LSU_StableMatching

    Observe the affect on stability for incomplete preferences, finding the most popular matching for a complete matrix, and the problem of global stability,

  • sergey-kotov-architect/allocation

    Information system of graph, actors, allocations of actors on the graph, generates an optimal allocation, evaluates its metrics, finds shortest path for an actor from one vertex to another

  • amritaravishankar/stable-matching

    👫🏽 A CLI Python tool to implement the famous Gale-Shapley Algorithm to solve the Stable Matching problem

  • bhgomes/biglittle

    Stable Big-Little Matching

  • DrunkSunGod/stable-matchmaker

    This Repository contains my implementation of the gale-shapley algorithm to generate stable matchings. This work is inspired by jeromew21's work

  • harshraj11584/CS2400_PoPL

    Design by Contract mechanisms in Eiffel

  • jvtaufner/stable-matching

    TP1 Algorítmos I 2021/1 - Implementa o Algorítmo de Gale Shapley para gerar soluções estáveis entre postos de vacinação e pessoas

  • namigaliyev/stable-matching

    Stable matching/marriage algorithm implemented using the Builder Pattern
