
There are 16 repositories under stablebaselines3 topic.

  • gustavomoers/CollisionAvoidance-Carla-DRL-MPC

    A hybrid collision avoidance system combining Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model Predictive Control, designed for autonomous vehicles in CARLA to navigate scenarios with stationary obstacles.

  • gustavomoers/E2E-CARLA-ReinforcementLearning-PPO

    An end-to-end (E2E) reinforcement learning model for autonomous vehicle collision avoidance in the CARLA simulator, using a recurrent PPO algorithm for dynamic control. The model processes RGB camera inputs to make real-time acceleration and steering decisions.

  • somsagar07/RL-stock-trading-

    RL algorithm for stock trading with multiple reward functions

  • nkoorty/rl_parking

    Repository with all source files relating to the 6CCE3EEP Final Year Project titled "Self Parking with Reinforcement Learning." The project was implemented using Python, and used PyGame, OpenAI Gym, and the Stable Baselines-3 libraries in order to implement a Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) algorithm.

  • amirhosein-mesbah/Reinforcement_learning

    This repository contains the implementation of a wide variety of Reinforcement Learning Projects in different applications of Bandit Algorithms, MDPs, Distributed RL and Deep RL. These projects include university projects and projects implemented due to interest in Reinforcement Learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4200
  • Ye-2077/RL_ELDENG

    Reinforce learning gym for Elden Ring, based on gymnaium and stable baseline3, PPO

  • nishantpandey4/Drone-navigation-and-obstacle-avoidance-using-DDPG

    The project presents a drone obstacle avoidance system using Microsoft AirSim and the DDPG algorithm, training drones with LIDAR and depth sensors for improved real-time navigation. It compares the implementation of DDPG algorithm with different sensors and their combination.

  • Ruben-2828/RL-Traffic-Control

    Application of reinforcement learning to the management of traffic light intersection

  • dylanzenner/stock-rl

    This repo contains our project for CPE 800 which focuses on reinforcement learning for stock prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook23122
  • bantu-4879/Atari_Games-Deep_Reinforcement_Learning

    This repository hosts Jupyter notebooks showcasing the training of Atari games using a variety of Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), Deep Q-Networks (DQN), Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C), and more.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1110
  • FayElhassan/AI-for-Sustainable-Agriculture

    This repository hosts the code and resources for a comprehensive study on optimizing greenhouse conditions using Reinforcement Learning algorithms such as PPO, A2C, and SAC. For detailed results, explanation of the environments, and the algorithms, please refer to the accompanying report.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • atchekegroup1lunarlanding


    Repo hosting the NMA Deep Learning - Lunar Lander transfer learning project repository for Group 1, Atcheke Pod (transferlanders)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0105
  • s-nandi/bball-sim

    A testbed for exploring reinforcement learning & basketball strategy

  • Mikulej/rl-minesweeper

    Program made for my bachelor's thesis. It compares efficency of different reinforcement learning algorithms at playing Minesweeper.

  • PetropoulakisPanagiotis/igae

    State Representations as Incentives for Reinforcement Learning Agents: A Sim2Real Analysis on Robotic Grasping

  • sergiovzambelli/rl-traffic-lights

    Tesi triennale Sergio Vittorio Zambelli - 2023/2024
