
There are 5 repositories under statistical-analyses topic.

  • colinpcurtis/Pandas-Data-Analysis-GUI

    Exports csv files into a pandas dataframe and use pandastable and Tkinter to create a GUI that executes statistical analyses and creates plots using matplotlib

  • rlucine/battleship

    Probabilistic AI algorithm to play Hasbro's Battleship

  • elbolt/neuroscales

    Repository with neurophysiological and statistical pipelines for auditory cognitive neuroscience research article in preparation.

  • mjrotter4445/MechaCar_Statistical_Analysis

    Statistical Analysis with R - Summary Statistics, T-Tests, ANOVA-For this project I am performing statistical testing in programming language R for MechaCar car company. Statistical tests provide data-based insight on the company performance and suggest additional testing for comparison of MechaCar company against its competition.

  • philsf-biostat/Portfolio

    Consultorias em Estatística Médica e Epidemiologia Clínica. CNPJ:42.154.074/0001-22