
There are 5 repositories under stepper-control topic.

  • sq7bti/iAccelStepper

    interrupt driven stepper controller inherited from AccelStepper

  • terjeio/CNC_Boosterpack

    A BoosterPack that provides 3-axis motor support for some TI LaunchPads

  • joeiddon/chess_robot

    A physical chess-playing robot. Image recognition of chess board, AI, and mechanical arm control.

  • giridharanponnuvel/Python-Arduino_StepperMotorControl

    This code is developed to control 3 stepper motor simultaneously in a delta robot. This code receive a string from the python using serial communication. The python will send a string like this 52a34b67c? where 52 is the number of steps to be turned by Motor A, 34 is the no.of steps to be turned by Motor B. Similarly, 67 for Motor C. After Arduino receiving the string, it will process it and send signal to the 3 stepper motor drivers.

  • echicken/A4988

    Use an A4988 stepper motor controller on a Raspberry Pi with node.js
