
There are 19 repositories under stm32-library topic.

  • nimaltd/STM32-PACK

    Ready To Install Packs For STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE

  • PCov3r/HX711-STM32-Library

    A simple library to provide control over the hx711 load cell module for STM32

  • pro-codes090/stm32f4-i2c-driver

    I2C Bare metal drivers for stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers written in C from scratch .The driver contain apis for the user to send and receive data i2c communication . The driver has two flavor of apis polling based (blocking ) and Interrupt based (non blocking ) check examples in the Src folder for more reference .

  • pro-codes090/Stm32-SDcard-library

    SDcard library for stm32 is a bare metal implementation which can easily be integrated into existing projects to provide functionality such as read ,write and create files and folders on a SDcard . the library is continuously under development to provide more features and support more protocols for high speed applications as well

  • VHAL


    C++20 HAL library for STM32

  • pro-codes090/stm32f4-gpio-driver

    GPIO Bare metal drivers for stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers written in C from scratch .The driver allows user to configure the gpio pins of stm32 microcontroller in Input Mode , Output mode , Alternate function mode , interrupt mode and configure interrupt priority . The driver also exposes apis to read and write data to and from gpio pins and enable and disable interrupts .

  • pro-codes090/stm32f4-spi-driver

    spi driver for stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers . The library includes two flavor of apis which is blocking and non blocking ( interrupt based ) . library includes Apis to send and receive data .

  • b-dmitry1/stm32

    STM32 bootloader, small library, and examples

  • GabyGold67/ButtonToSwitch_STM32

    An STM32-RTOS library to implement all kind of switches out of simple push buttons (Momentary buttons) by using embedded simulated behavior

  • SDibla/Arduino-STM32-AMT22_Library

    Arduino and STM32 libraries for absolute encoder of the AMT22 series (12 bit or 14 bit version) by CUI Devices.

  • SMotlaq/ina234

    INA234 current, voltage, and power monitor chip library for STM32 (ARM processors) using HAL drivers ⚡

  • aliansgp/STM32_LCD16x2

    drive LCD 16x2 without I2C

  • GabyGold67/SevenSegDisplays_STM32

    A STM32-RTOS library to drive multiple 7 segment digits displays independently from their architecture and driving chips

  • pro-codes090/Stm32-RCC-library

    RCC bare metal drivers for Stm32 f4 family of microcontrollers written in C . The driver contains apis for the User to set clock speed for AHB , APB1 , APB2 bus .The driver also allows changing the APB and AHB bus frequency on the fly , and also contains apis for to get the current frequency at which AHB and APB bus is running at

  • xdzmkus/STM32_DebounceButton

    STM32 C++ Button Library with debouncing algorithm

  • AryanaSasani/STM32_BareMetal_Libraries

    There you can find Libraries for your STM32 projects that is written in bare-metal.

  • Majid-Derhambakhsh/stm32-gpio

    Driver for working with GPIO unit of STM32 microcontroller.

  • UjemnyGH/STM32-Register-Tools-Library

    Wrapper on STM32 registers to make it working in simpler way than writing own library. I wrote library, so you don`t have to.

  • wei-chen-li/STM32LL-SSD1306

    SSD1306 OLED library using STM32 low-layer drivers
