
There are 4 repositories under stratified topic.

  • temp3rr0r/WeightedStratifiedSampling

    Population weighted spatial stratified sampling.

  • dvcv/StratifiedSampling

    In early 2001, peaceful marches were held around the country protesting United States involvement in Iraq. One of these protest took place in San Francisco, California. The San Francisco Chronicle’s estimated the total number of protestors by taking aerial shots of the protest from more than 2000 ft above. They estimated about 65,000 protesters at the time the photos were taken. The purpose of this analysis was to try to replicate their estimate. Using the same San Francisco Chronicle’s aerial photographs our estimate rounded to the nearest thousand was 60386 compared to San Francisco Chronicle estimate of 65,000. Below you can find the methods used to construct our estimate along with a discussions on potential limitations of the data/findings.

  • obroadrick/stratified_athena

    This repository is my exploratory work on stratified audits, under Professor Vora at GWU. Specifically I'm working on 2-strata audits that make use of the Athena class of ballot polling audits for the ballot polling stratum in order to increase the efficiency (and therefore feasability) of stratified audits.
