
There are 9 repositories under structural-causal-model topic.

  • y0-causal-inference/y0

    ❓y0 (pronounced "why not?") is for causal inference in Python

  • rpatrik96/nl-causal-representations

    This is the code for the paper Jacobian-based Causal Discovery with Nonlinear ICA, demonstrating how identifiable representations (particularly, with Nonlinear ICA) can be used to extract the causal graph from an underlying structural equation model (SEM).

  • Networks-Learning/counterfactual-tpp

    Code and real data for "Counterfactual Temporal Point Processes", NeurIPS 2022

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15303
  • bel2scm/bel2scm

    Generate dynamic structural causal models from biological knowledge graphs encoded in the Biological Expression Language (BEL)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101174
  • BassaniRiccardo/advanced-machine-learning

    Python project on Structural Causal Models and Reinforcement Learning, at Utrecht University.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • jessicalally/explainable-rl-through-causality

    Structural Causal Model (SCM) approach to explainable reinforcement learning

  • DSsoli/esa-2scm

    ESA-2SCM for Causal Discovery: Causal Modeling with Elastic Segmentation-based Synthetic Instrumental Variable

  • lars-chen/3dscm

    Counterfactual inference for 3D brain imaging using deep structural causal models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • LiAo365/EDCE_MM

    [MM'2024] Efficient Dual-Confounding Eliminating for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization
