
There are 17 repositories under sudoku-scanner topic.

  • komeilmehranfar/sudoku-core

    A typescript Sudoku package for generating, solving (step-by-step or all), and analyzing Sudoku boards with ease. Perfect for building Sudoku games and integrating Sudoku functionality into your applications.

  • aakashjhawar/SolveSudoku

    Extract and solve sudoku from an image using Computer Vision and Deep Learning

  • taylorjg/sudoku-buster

    Web app to scan and solve a Sudoku puzzle

  • sampan-s-nayak/Sudoku-solver

    sudoku solver which takes an image as input and displays the solved output in the terminal. A neural network trained in Pytorch is used to identify the numbers present in the sudoku puzzle

  • ThisMonkeysGoneToHeaven/Sudoku-Scanner-And-Solver

    This is a Sudoku Puzzle Solver application which is built in Qt Framework, PyGame using Python language.

  • lorenzoh/sudoku-scanner

    A scanner that detects, recognizes and solves sudoku puzzles from real-life pictures using a pipeline of classical Computer Vision algorithms.

  • HoVDuc/solve-sudoku-computer-vision

    Nghiên cứu khoa học sinh viên: Ứng dụng thị giác máy tính và học máy để giải quyết bài toán Sudoku

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • afifym/augmented_reality_sudoku_solver

    A sudoku solver that can detect, solve, and augment a sudoku

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1110
  • hoaftq/SudokuLib

    A Sudoku library, which targets .NET Standard 1.0, supports generating and solving game boards

  • mslalith/real-time-sudoku-scanner

    I'am running on a low-end PC. Sorry for the inconvenience with the frame drops.

  • aljazfrancic/sudoku-solver

    Computer vision solution that finds a sudoku puzzle in a photo, extracts the puzzle grid, recognizes the numbers in the grid, finds the solution to the puzzle and projects it onto the original photo.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • groundctrl2/Sudoku-Calculator

    "Sudoku Calculator" that takes a grid and can 1. check if the solution is valid (works if not entirely filled as well), 2. provide all possible digits to note in each cell, and 3. use those notes to identify doubles, triples and quadruples.

  • Spr3/sudoku

    This is a sudoku AI were you input your puzzle and it will solve it to the best of its ability's.

  • Zalanshah64/sudoku

    Sudoku is a game played on a 9x9 grid where every single square is filled with a number from 1 to 9 unique to its row, column, and 3x3 subgrid. This program is a sudoku app that allows a user to generate sudoku boards, solve given boards instantly, and play randomly generated or given sudoku boards.

  • kalpitborkar/Sudoku-Solutions-from-Image

    Sudoku solutions from Image using Computer Vision

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • taylorjg/sudoku-scanner

    Use deep learning to recognise a Sudoku puzzle from a scanned image
