
There are 8 repositories under summarytools topic.

  • tpai/summary-gpt-bot

    An AI-powered text summarization Telegram bot that generates concise summaries of text, URLs, PDFs, and YouTube videos.

  • AIboy996/mkdocs-ai-summary

    A mkdocs plugin to generage summary with the help of AI.

  • Eduardodudu/ExploratoryShiny

    Exploratory Shiny

  • Yacine87/EDA_R_Packages

    EDA is a must to do step in the data science workflow. Working on data, wrangling & transforming them is time consuming, and it determine the success degree of the next steps (pre preocessing, modelling, communicating outputs & decision making). This repo will show you how to perform EDA in R using the tidyverse ecosystem, and will introduce a comparative approach between the main packages in R whcich could let you perform automated EDA & generating automated EDA html or pdf reports, ready to be communicated.

  • BhargavKadali39/keyword_extractor

    This program returns all the weighted words as a summary for given big data.

  • blackonechik/Clip2Note

    Clip2Note - это инструмент, который автоматически преобразует видеофайлы в удобные конспекты текста. Наш инновационный подход позволяет пользователям извлекать ключевую информацию из видеоматериалов и создавать краткие обзоры, которые легко читать и анализировать.

  • prtkgoswami/

    Receive Important Insights for any public Internet Articles using AI.

  • sivacharansrc/summaryr

    Function that provides a summary statistics for numeric/factor/character columns
