There are 45 repositories under surprise-library topic.
🔮Trying to find the best movie to watch on Netflix can be a daunting. Case Study for Recommendation System of movies in Netflix.🔧
This repository contains collaborative filtering recommender system build in Python with surprise package to predict book ratings in Book-Crossing dataset.
This repo contains my practice and template code for all kinds of recommender systems using SupriseLib. More complex and hybrid Recommender Systems can build on top of these template codes.
Created Recommender systems using TMDB movie dataset by leveraging the concepts of Content Based Systems and Collaborative Filtering.
Deployed Product Recommendation Model using collaborative filtering.
使用矩阵分解方法进行电影推荐的评分预测。The matrix factorization method is used to predict the rating of movie recommendation.
在Yelp数据集上摘取部分评分数据进行多种推荐算法(SVD,SVDPP,PMF,NMF)的性能对比。Some rating data are extracted from yelp dataset to compare the performance of various recommendation algorithms(SVD,SVDPP,PMF,NMF).
Simple Recommender Systems
This repository covers a project of creating a recommendation system using collaborative filtering on the Grouplens movielens database. The surprise library is utilized to test out different models (KNN Basic, KNN Baseline, and SVD). SVD was found to be the most accurate and then was implemented into the system. The cold start problem was addressed by giving new users the opportunity to rate a random sample of 5 movies from movies that are among the most popular.
Using a dataset from MovieLens, a movie recommendation system was created that recommends to users which movies they will like. The system also goes a step further to solve the cold start problem, which is when there is a new user in the dataset and there is no prior information on them. This system also finds a solution to this.
Using the MovieLens dataset with Surprise to compare different algorithms for rating prediction, and also create a movie recommendation system on top of it.
Predicted missing ratings using SVD algorithm from the Surprise Library for items from a file containing user ratings for multiple items by comparing a user’s ratings for available items with those of other user’s ratings and the project was built in Python
Implementation for two different types of recommendation systems (Content-based and collaborative filtering)
A case study of the Netflix Prize solution where, given anonymous data of users and the ratings given to movies, the objective to provide recommendations to users for movies which they would like, based on their past activity and taste.
Movie recommendation system to find common movie interests among a group of people.
Movie recommendation system with Collaborative filtering and kNN recommendation, featuring streamlit frontend
A book recommendation system using model based collabritive filtering. It is based on SVD machine learning model. It generate top 10 recommendation of books.Here i used surprise library.
Système de recommandation
Tasty Trail: Restaurant Recommendation System
This Repository provides the basic code snippets for all the most widely used ML Algorithms like Supervised, Unsupervised, and Recommender system algorithms.
The project used Python to create a personalized book recommendation system that analyzed users' past ratings on books to identify their preferences and patterns and suggested books that the user is likely to enjoy but has not read yet.
A Book Recommender System: Collaborative Filtering using Surprise (k-NN Baseline model)
Streamlit presentation of the movie recommendation project during data scientist training at
I built recommender systems for recommending products to user using Model-based recommendation system.
Did you ever wonder how the recommendations on Netflix work? Find out in this project, where I build three basic movie recommenders and implement them in a streamlit App.
Built a movie recommender system using Movielens dataset using both content-based filtering approach and collaborative filtering method.
Evaluating and comparing recommender system models using MovieLens-Ratings dataset
Machine Learning - Recommendation System
Use the Scikit-Network for PageRank algorithms including Topic-specific PR and improve the performance of various recommendation-systems using Surprise library
I created a recommender system using a Python scikit named Surprise. The purpose of building this system is to predict a person's preferences so the user can find what they are looking for faster.
Elice Generative AI Edu Hackaton TEAM10 <AI오늘>
A Movie Recommendation System using Collabrative Filtering
A movie recommender application