There are 63 repositories under surprise-python topic.
Designed a movie recommendation system using content-based, collaborative filtering based, SVD and popularity based approach.
This repository contains collaborative filtering recommender system build in Python with surprise package to predict book ratings in Book-Crossing dataset.
Grocery Recommendation on Instacart Data
This repo contains my practice and template code for all kinds of recommender systems using SupriseLib. More complex and hybrid Recommender Systems can build on top of these template codes.
Built a collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation/recommender system specific to H&M using the Surprise library and cosine similarity to generate similarity and distance-based recommendations.
Hybrid RecSys, CF-based RecSys, Model-based RecSys, Content-based RecSys, Finding similar items using Jaccard similarity
Comparing different recommendation systems algorithms like SVD, SVDpp (Matrix Factorization), KNN Baseline, KNN Basic, KNN Means, KNN ZScore), Baseline, Co Clustering
Getting a better grasp of recommender systems
X-stupidity is a surprise tool which you will know the contents of when you install it
Suprise-Python Wrapper for Persa.jl
The goal of this project was to build an explicit recommender system using collaborative filtering for restaurants in Charlotte using Yelp's Open Dataset. I wanted to explore the mechanics of recommendations systems, and explore a new library in Surprise.
Machine Learning homework project at EPFL
Implementation of the model iGSLR
Recommender system that applies a user-to-user collaborative filtering algorithm on the MAL dataset to recommend anime for users.
Recommender system with Netflix database using matrix factorization
This repository covers a project of creating a recommendation system using collaborative filtering on the Grouplens movielens database. The surprise library is utilized to test out different models (KNN Basic, KNN Baseline, and SVD). SVD was found to be the most accurate and then was implemented into the system. The cold start problem was addressed by giving new users the opportunity to rate a random sample of 5 movies from movies that are among the most popular.
Exploring Recommender Systems using various Machine Learning Models like scikit-learn, Surprise, NLP and collaborative filtering using KNN and Tensorflow.
The Hybrid Movie Recommender is a system that recommends movies using a combination of collaborative and content-based filtering techniques. The system is designed to address the cold start problem(new users) by using a popularity based approach. The dataset used for the system is obtained from Kaggle.
Using the MovieLens dataset with Surprise to compare different algorithms for rating prediction, and also create a movie recommendation system on top of it.
Repository to demonstrate how to use machine learning to generate recommendations
Building a Recommendation engine course walkthrough. IDE used :- Spyder ; Environment name :- RecSys (created in Anaconda Navigator) ; Python Package used :- Surprise ; Tutor :- Frank Kane, Sundog Education
This Project is a simplifed Movie Recommendation System
This app analyzes ratings to suggest ideal products for e-commerce platforms. Upload your data, explore user trends, and train a model to predict what your customers will love!
An overview of reccomendation systems in Python
This repository contains the source code and documentation for a Bachelor's thesis project that explores two different approaches to developing a movie recommendation system.
🛍️ Amazon Recommender 🚀 Exploring machine learning for e-commerce personalization with Amazon's Electronics data, using SVD and KNNBaseline algorithms to predict user preferences.
This project focuses on predicting Loan Defaults using Supervised Learning, Segmenting Customers with Unsupervised Learning, and Recommending Bank Products through a Recommendation Engine.
Collaborative filtering based recommender system using the surprise library
In this project, we develop a fully functional web application for a library recommendation system. Users can register, create and manage profiles, write and manage blog reviews on their reading experiences, and share their writings with the world. The app includes a comprehensive UX/UI, encompassing all features from the original project vision.
Creation of a movie recommendation system during data scientist training at
Portfolio of data science projects completed by me during PGP AI/ML, self learning, and hobby purposes.
Harnessing music's power for better mental health: genre recommendations and data-driven analysis of listeners' trends
Phase 4 project of the Flat Iron curriculum of Data Science in Moringa School
Welcome to the Machine Learning Basics repository! This repository is dedicated to showcasing my journey through learning the fundamentals of machine learning. You'll find various datasets, Jupyter notebooks, and source code that I have worked on.
A simple Product Recommendation System.