
There are 9 repositories under svendsentech topic.

  • EliteLoser/ConvertTo-Json

    Svendsen Tech's ConvertTo-STJson is a pure-PowerShell ConvertTo-Json for PowerShell version 2

  • EliteLoser/MergeCsv

    Svendsen Tech's Merge-Csv is a PowerShell function for merging CSV files and/or custom PowerShell objects based on one or more shared ID properties

  • EliteLoser/SSHSessions

    Svendsen Tech's SSH-Sessions module provides SSH session creation, management and interaction from PowerShell. Lets you execute commands via SSH against Linux and certain network equipment, etc.

  • EliteLoser/PSipcalc

    Svendsen Tech's PSipcalc mimics the Linux utility ipcalc in PowerShell and shows extensive network information given a CIDR or IP and subnet mask.

  • EliteLoser/Get-ADGroupMemberRecursive

    Get AD group members recursively, tagged with root group DN and direct parent group DN

  • EliteLoser/RemoveOldFiles

    Use Svendsen Tech's Remove-OldFiles function to delete files based on date logic with time granularity ranging from milliseconds to months, and an optional file name regex filter.

  • EliteLoser/Gwmi-Async

    Svendsen Tech's Gwmi-Async.ps1 is an asynchronous wrapper around Get-WmiObject, compatible with PSv2, that also handles errors and timeouts gracefully. It is designed to retrieve and collect data from a (potentially large) list of computers. A custom XML parser that's very flexible goes with it.

  • EliteLoser/RandomData

    Svendsen Tech's New-RandomData function generates cryptographically secure or pseudorandom data. Can be used to generate keys and passwords with the -StreamToSTDOUT parameter, and has comprehensive features for generating files with random data, of a specified size.

  • EliteLoser/Import-STPfxCertificate

    PSv2-compatible code to import PFX certificates on remote computers (SMB/WinRM)
