
There are 127 repositories under svr topic.

  • ml_biosensors

    Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy analysis using Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • Epslion-SVR

    The project Epsilon SVR is built from Scratch with minimum Sk Learn packages. This Epsilon SVR improves the SVR Model.

  • SVR-with-GridSearchCV

    Need to predict bike rental price based on several factors. Used SVR and Gridsearch.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • Forest-Fire-Prediction

    Regression prediction model performance comparison between ARIMA, SVR and Holt Winter's

  • regressionSimulator

    Dash application to simulate various regression models

  • house-prices-svr

    Predicting house prices using SVR

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • Predicting-House-Prices-With-Regression

    Simple regression problem where by pre-loaded data I have shown different regression algorithm and their performance on data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • multivariate-data-analysis-CH5440

    Course work of Multivariate data analysis CH5440

  • Comparative_ML_Analysis_Bioinformatics

    A comprehensive analysis of gene expression data using machine learning techniques in Python and R, focusing on predictive modeling and data visualization

  • Electricity-Load-Prediction

    Data Science Project (Australian Electricity Load Dataset Analysis)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • tr-earthquake-predictor

    Turkey Earthquake Prediction 🌍📊: Unleashing AI/ML powers in Python for seismic forecasts. #MachineLearning #Python #DataScience 🤖

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Charpy-Microstructure-Machine-Learning

    Final Year Project: Predicting Charpy impact test data from microstructure data using a machine learning model.

  • ML_Capstone

    Ensamble Voting for Financial Time Series

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Aria-Plant-Nutrition-Prediction-with-Supervised-Machine-Learning

    This project aims to built a Webapps to predict plant nutrition with 8 variable

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Health-Insurance-Cost-Prediction-Web-App

    Developed the Health insurance cost prediction web application using Python,Pandas,GradientBoostingRegressor,Joblib,Tkinter and Streamlit in which the customer can enter the features value in web app like age,sex,children,smoker(yes/no),region then the model will predict the insurance cost

  • RecoverNightOwlPassword

    This script recovers the admin password for the NightOwl F6-series of devices, using a documented master password

  • Machine-Learning

    Este conjunto de Jupyters forma parte de las prácticas de laboratorio de la Universitat de València. Se puede encontrar: preprocesado, selección y extracción de características, SVM, SVR, modelos basados en árbol y modelos de ensemble.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Sales-Prediction-for-Pharmaceutical-Distribution-Companies-by-Time-Series-Analysis

    Evaluated the sales of a pharmaceutical distribution company using time series sales forecasting models named Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA), Prophet, and Support Vector regression (SVR). Assessed and compared the performance of these methods by RMSE and predicted short term sales with the help help of these models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Predicting2022NBAMVP

    Predicting the 2021-2022 NBA MVP voting race using regression models. Used different Data Science tools such as matplotlib,pandas and sklearn to gather and process data along with model building. Juypter Notebook is used to present and provide commentary on the model and the process taken to get prediction data/

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Crude-Palm-Oil-Price-Prediction-using-Simulated-Annealing-based-Support-Vector-Regression

    Hyperparameter optimization of Support Vector Regression (SVR) using a metaheuristic algorithm, Simulated Annealing (SA) applied in crude palm oil price prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Machine-learning-Avocado-price-prediction

    The goal of this database is to predict the price of avocado price .The database is a time series and we have to predict the price of avocado by using machine learning tools. Many machine learning model are used to predict our target variable

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Housing_Prices_Regression

    An end-to-end Machine Learning project that predicts house prices for a real-estate company (Housing Prices Competition for Kaggle Learn Users - Top 1%).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • SVR

    Simple speech recognition using Annyang.

  • SVR

    An introduction to Support Vector Regression (SVR)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Parkinsons-Disease-Prediction

    The objective of this study is to accurately predict the motor and total UPDRS scores from the 16 voice measures using various Regression models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • House-price-prediction-model

    It Predicts the price of a house in the city of Banglore, India based on the parameters entered by the user.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • ML-Showcase


    A showcase of my own implementations of ML approaches. Created for the MLDS course @ DS Masters, FRI UL.

  • ML_Approaches

    ML implementations in Multi-scale model for lignin biosynthesis in Populus Trichocarpa

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • MSc_Thesis

    Repository for predicitons of timeseries data with NN.

  • MySVR

    A standard Support Vector Regression.

  • SVM

    Fast explication of SVM

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1

    Multiple randomized ANN are being generated that is being taken from user input(total number of ANN) then we have approached one of the nature-inspired-algorithms such as DIFFERENTIAL-EVOLUTION(DE) on a soil-content-dataset to prove that it has better prediction and optimising values other than some well defined algorithms such as SUPPORT-VECTOR-REGRESSION(SVR) and MLP-REGRESSOR.

  • Machine-Learning

    Implementation of Different Machine learning Algorithm with Sample Datasets in Python3

  • Stock-Price-Prediction

    Stock Price Prediction

  • machine-learning-starters

    Common Machine Learning Examples :computer:


    Estimation System for Crops and Horticulture Production with Support Vector Regression (Internship Project)
