
There are 21 repositories under swagger-autogen topic.

  • swagger-autogen/swagger-autogen

    This module performs automatic construction of Swagger documentation. It can identify the endpoints and automatically capture methods such as get, post, put, and so on. It also identifies paths, routes, middlewares, response status codes and parameters. At the end, it generates the .json file containing the Swagger format specification.

  • AvinashChandavar7/forstu

  • harshatechtrainings/nodejs-auto-swagger-doc-generator

    Ever wished for an automated, painless way to generate Swagger documentation for your Node.js application? Look no further! This repository houses a Node.js codebase developed using the magical swagger-autogen, transforming the tedious task of documentation into a breeze.

  • sara-greenblatt/Node-Me

    NodeJS template with JavaScript, auto swagger and up to date features

  • Sekunev/JWTloginRegisterPage

    Login Register (Next.js) Page powered by Node.js (JWT Token).

  • ashaytiwari/gvc-confirmation-app-backend

    Repository to manage backend codebase of gvc-confirmation app

  • cihanbagriyanik/BlogApi


  • whlshy/swagger-schema

    swagger-ui schema auto generation and base on swagger-autogen and mssql.

  • Yo-an/Crud_nodeES6_Prisma

    Petite API Nodejs en ES6 avec Prisma et l'infrastructure express

  • AvinashChandavar7/autonomize_ai_assignment

    Autonomize Ai is a comprehensive web application designed to interact with GitHub's API And provide a streamlined user experience for viewing GitHub repositories, followers, and mutual connections.

  • AvinashChandavar7/health_flex_assessment-

    This Node.js backend mirrors Twitter's functionality. It offers RESTful APIs for user actions, including registration, tweet posting, and timeline retrieval. Built with JWT authentication and pagination for efficiency, it adheres to DDD principles. Minimal API documentation ensures ease of use.

  • cihanbagriyanik/StockAPI


  • DouglasSoares16/DocumentationWithSwagger

    Criando documentação para API usando Swagger e Swagger-Autogen

  • furkan-dogu/Blog-App-BE

    This project is a RESTful API developed using Node.js and Express. This API is designed for a Blog App project and handles blog, category, comment and like operations. The API interacts with a MongoDB database and is documented with Swagger.

  • furkan-dogu/BlogApp-API

    This project is a RESTful API developed using Node.js and Express. The API interacts with a MongoDB database and is documented with Swagger.

  • furkan-dogu/ProductAPI-2

    This project is a RESTful API developed using Node.js and Express. The API interacts with a MongoDB database and is documented with Swagger.

  • furkan-dogu/StockAPI

    This project is a RESTful API developed using Node.js and Express. The API interacts with a MongoDB database and is documented with Swagger. It supports CRUD operations for auth, user, category, brand, firm, product, purchase, and sale sections, and secures transactions with token and JWT.

  • mvstoyan/convertHtmlToPdf

    HTML to PDF Conversion Microservice

  • Nitesh-Samaniya/my-indiaa

    This project is a backend implementation for an e-commerce platform. It includes role based access for customer, seller and admin., User authentication, product management, a shopping cart system, stripe payment gateway, and order tracking. The backend is built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, with API documentation provided by swagger.
