
There are 29 repositories under swat topic.

  • crazyzlj/SWAT

    An unofficial SWAT (Soil & Water Assessment Tool) code collection from official historical releases and the scientific community.

  • fkie-cad/ipal_datasets

    Industrial datasets - datasets for evaluating industrial intrusion detection systems on IPAL.

  • cbhua/swat-preprocess

    A tool for data preprocess on iTrust SWaT dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook31115
  • VUB-HYDR/QSWAT_Automated_Workflow

    The automated workflow for setting up SWAT Models presented in Chawanda et al., 2019 EMS

  • DHI-GRAS/qgis-processing-swat

    QGIS Processing provider for SWAT based hydrological modelling

  • jshernandezs/swat-pytools

    A Python wrapper for executing and calibrating the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in Unix/macOS systems.

  • celray/swatplus-automatic-workflow

    This software uses a config file (config.py), which is a settings file, to build and run SWAT+ models. Users can share the config along with their published works to promote transparency as all model options are well documented in the file. Sharing the namelist and data also allows others to reproduce the models from scratch.

  • imohamme/NASAaccess

    NASAaccess is R package that can generate gridded ascii tables of climate (CIMP5) and weather data (GPM, TRMM, GLDAS) needed to drive various hydrological models (e.g., SWAT, VIC, RHESSys, ..etc). The package assumes that users have already set up a registration account(s) with Earthdata login as well as authorizing NASA GESDISC data access. Please refer to https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/data-access for further details. The package relies on 'curl' (https://curl.haxx.se/) commands and library to access and download data from NASA remote sensing servers. Since Mac users have curl as part of macOS, Windows users should make sure that their local machines have 'curl' installed properly. Creating the ".netrc" file at the user machine 'Home' directory and storing the user NASA GESDISC logging information in it is needed to execute the package commands. Instructions on creating the ".netrc" and ".urs_cookies" files can be accessed at https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/EL/How+To+Access+Data+With+cURL+And+Wget.

  • alexrigby/LUCST

    An interface for managing SWATPlus input and output files to aid in implementing, and visualizing the impact of land use changes on catchment hydrology in the SWATPlus model

  • kkyong77/SWAT_CalSensUC

    R scripts for the SWAT model calibration/sensitivity/uncertainty analysis

  • mnguyen0226/tsgans_cps

    TimeGANs for synthetic data generation in cyber-physical systems using Tensorflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8212
  • biopsichas/svatools

    SWAT+ model input data preparation helper


    New modules developed for Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) revision 664

  • zborowa/oxidize

    Oxidized Rust (Idiomatic Rust)

  • VUB-HYDR/2019_Chawanda_etal_EMS

    Scripts used to process data and namelist used in Chawanda et al. (2019)

  • drkupi/Can-GLWS

    Canadian Great Lakes Weather Data Service for SWAT (Can-GLWS)

  • iTrust-SUTD/A6-MITM

    A6-MITM is a program which mutates packets using ENIP (Ethernet/IP) and CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) protocols.

  • souaddev/Dynamic-time-warping-based-anomaly-detection-for-industrial-control-system

    An approach for anomaly detection in Industrial Control Systems (ICS), using Water Treatment Dataset (SWaT). The implementation incorporates cutting-edge machine learning techniques, including Isolation Forest and Autoencoder models, augmented by Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • souaddev/OST_Anomaly_Detection

    Comparative Analysis of Unsupervised Learning Methods for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3402
  • t4t5u0/swat

    Sword World Assistant Tool

  • marjenahaque/nasatmp

    A simple script to show how to download temperature data of different locations of an area from NASA POWER for SWAT module. Extracting data from NetCDF APRODITE data in SWAT input data format.

  • inkenbrandt/NSGA-II_Python_for_SWAT_model

    Multi-Site and -Objective calibration method for SWAT model

  • iTrust-SUTD/swat-historian-opc-client

    SWaT Testbed Historian OPC Client is meant to extract real time data of the plant using OPCUA

  • nikczemnydev/BugSquashTheGame

    HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - BugSquashTheGame - my new product is a fun and interactive game that challenges your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The game is perfect for those who are interested in learning how to code web applications.

  • moritzshore/skuterud_swatplus

    A repository hosting the documentation for the skuterud swat+ setup.

  • SidduSai/CPS-data-retrieval-and-manipulation

    This script will interact with a cyber physical system, download its data and manipulate its values.

  • krish1092/SWAT

    Severe Weather Analysis Tool

  • oybcst/oybcst

    Building resilience to environmental change for culturally important species.